I am Jarman.

the single-turn jar-opener superhuman wonder freak

Friday, February 28

The only good thing about snow is the way it crunches underneath your feet.
The only good thing about snow is its use in skiing(or snowboarding).
The only good thing about snow is the way snowflakes melt on the tip of your tounge or nose.
The only good thing about snow is the way it changes from soft mush to a compact, spherical, icy projectile.
The only good thing about snow is how it turns Christmas into White Christmas.
The only good thing about snow is snow days.
The only good thing about snow is the way it covers everything, and hides it.
The only good thing about snow is the way it falls from the sky. How you can never just look at one flake, how they all fall down together, but never look the same, fall the same, taste the same, feel the same, melt the same way, or even land the same way...no two snowflakes are alike, but that's only because they haven't found a set of twins yet.

*regains composure*
It snows in Missouri. Some people might say it snows too much.

If this doesn't look like a good movie, then i don't know what does

Thursday, February 27

Ragnarok Online is taking over the world, just like .hack

wow, that's a lot of writing

little brothers are the best stress reliever in the world. Because you can yell at them for making the mistakes you made when you were their age. And because they will never be able to beat you in a fight, no matter HOW TALL they get (weel). It was always a sort of release for me whenever he did something stupid, cuz i could say TWO WORDS, and he would go nuts. I would know exactly how to throw him over the edge, but i also know how to push him to JUST BEFORE he snaps, where there is still humor for me, and not insanity for him...and no humor for him either...hmmm....wait a second...he probably didn't enjoy any of my funny comments. Maybe that's why he always yelled "SHUT UP I HATE IT WHEN YOU SAY THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!" after i said my TWO WORDS. Wow. Weel has probably ALMOST lost his mind at least 100 times, because i've known him his entire life, and for that entire time i've been giving him crap about school, rolling dice, playing starcraft, drawing things, his viola playing (that is a VERY tender area that he rarely wants to recieve comments on) the goofy way he walks, the goofy way he looks, the goofy way he runs, and the goofy ears and teeth that are obviouslee meant for a larger head....but that's impossible because he has the goofiest, largest head in the world. I would give him crap for EVERYTHING, and depending on what kind of mood i was in, i would give him crap for ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING HE WOULD DO.

Except in the car. yes, the car

example of typical car experience....We would, of course, RUN out the door, over the bush, under the tree branch, and instantly have the key ready to insert into the lock, unlocking the drivers side door, and then opening the door, and auto-unlocking all the doors, allowing weel to enter. The keys then found themselves in the ignition, starting the engine, and yes...the radio. After shutting our doors simultaneously, we would then buckle our seatbelts simultaneously, just like batman and robin (and yes...lee is robin(haha!)). A song would play, as loud as the speakers could handle, the windows would go down, the sunglasses would go ON....and the tires would start turning...if the day(or night) permitted, a certain button could be pressed to activate the sunroof. After this feature had been implemented, a certain question would possibly arise...This question has been passed down from myself, over years and years of perfecting. Lee is a true pupil of mine, and is one of the VERY few people who even have the privelidge to ask this question in my vehicle...

"Can I stick my head out of the sunroof?"

There are times when the question is met with a very distinct "no", other times "nah" and the ever-popular head shake. But there are select times...when the sun is at the right spot in the sky, a kickass song is playing, the spedometer is over 70, and we are both hyped up on either sugar or stupidity when he is given the go-ahead with this noble and powerful gesture of pure, unadulterated Watters Boy PRIDE. As his massive ears flap in the wind above my head, i wave at the passing motorists, letting them know that yes, i am the coolest 8-D He always knew when it was time for him to pull himself back into the car. I never had to pull him down, he always had perfect timing.

Wednesday, February 26

on TV
@ 12 NOON !!!
check your local listings immediately

I am linus

Which Peanuts Character Are You Quiz

"When the stars shine bright at night
And I stare up in awe.
I can see my dreams fly by me
And you are in them all."

"Sometimes love is only a figment of our imaginations"

-Kelly John Rose

and some stars for your viewing pleasure...gotta love the stars (count 'em!)

Tuesday, February 25

Well, there is a reason i feel like complete and utter crap. After diving for 4 days strait, my body has become exausted beyond comprehension. So that means i'm tired, achy, retarded, lazy, and bitchy. Never in my life have i ever felt so horrible. I've never felt so horrible in my entire life. I feel more horrible than i ever have ever before.
Nothing makes it go away either. Not sleep, food, tv, sitting down, laying down, water, or even bananas (wink wink weel). I can't make myself do anything, and it's really really really really really really really really depressing.

But as i wrote this, i was talking to Teffy. And she has faith in me....so i'm not gunna be a loser that needs rest all day. I got stuff to do, so i'm peacin' out.

Like a few of my friends, i feel like crap. As i am feeling physically ill, my friends are experiencing a sensation very similar to (if not actual) depression. So when i try to make them feel better by maybe giving them compliments, they throw it back in my face like i'm joking. What is it? Does nobody take me seriously? Or do my friends just not know how to take compliments? Whatever it is, i wish they would just say "thank you" instead of
or "don't say that"
because i say nice things to let my friends know how i feel, and to maybe make them feel better about themselves...but when they don't accept compliments, it just makes me feel bad...and that's no good, cuz that means the depression is growing, and spreading.

So either you guys tell me to NOT say anything nice, or just say "thank you".

Monday, February 24

Ahhhh....the feel of my fingers dancing on the keyboard, translating the strange thoughts in my head into words....so very pleasant. It's even more enjoyable because i haven't had the chance to blog for the past week or so. I've been in Austin, TX for the NCAA Big 12 Swimming and Diving Conference Championships....wow, that's a long name for one meet. After spending a week in Texas, i have been reminded of how much i miss NOT having a winter. As enjoyable as my trip was, it was also EXTREMELY annoying to be so close to San Antonio, without actually being in San Antonio....uh...yeah it sucked. But it was fun and i dove well for the most part. And that's not even the best part, the best part is that the 3 meter and platform finals are going to be televised on Fox Sports Net sometime in the near future. I will be sure to post when it'll be aired, once i find out. I'll post later tonite....uh....*inches away*....bye.....*skitters off*

Tuesday, February 18

-{[(the reader should note that this blog has NOTHING to do with the previous blog)]}-

I've forgotten what accomplishment feels like. I know it feels good, but i haven't felt it in a long time. I also haven't felt warmth from the sun in a long time either. I haven't had a good hug in a long time either. And it's sad that i can name more things i don't have than things i DO have. That is a very sad thought for me. Wish me luck in Austin....oh yeah, and i'm sorry about those kitten emails, i have recently found out that it is all a hoax.

Monday, February 17

sometimes the computer will not let me post anything up in here. the computer does not know how badly this vexes me, but it truly does.

there are things that i blog about...and then there are things that i can't imagine to blog about, because...things might change...i don't know if they'll change for better or worse or BEST, but i know "i shouldn't say things like that" because i "just shouldn't". I think it's time i stop blogging about this and start making dreams come true.

...too bad i don't know what i'm dreaming about half the time...
wish me luck

Sunday, February 16


that is Jeff's site.
It is cooler than mine...if that's possible.
go to Jeff's site and see that his site is COOOOOLER
because he put a link to my site on there :-D

Saturday, February 15

in sociology the other day we talked about the Amish. you know the people that don't use modern conveniences like electricity, or cars. He told us about how the Amish live, and what their lifestyles are based on and whatnot. one of the key points he made was that the Amish do not judge, and that judgement is God's and God's alone. the speaker also told a story about this very evil person...oh...lets call him Brett....here's the story...

Brett was driving his super-fast sports car one night (while intoxicated) on a country road. It was too dark, or he wasn't aware that there was an Amish horse-pulled buggy in the lane in front of him. The only way he could avoid hitting the buggy was to swerve into the ditch on the side of the road. Brett swerved, hit the ditch, totalled the car, and walked away PISSED AS HELL. The very next day, Brett gets in his truck that he owns and drives out to a hill in Amish country, parks his truck and gets out...with a loaded gun. Now Brett apparently hated being sober, so he got drunk before heading to the hill, and kept drinking while on top of the hill. He waited on this hill for an Amish horse-pulled buggy to trot by...then opened fire. The driver of the buggy was a 14 year old brother taking his 3 sisters home from school. Thank goodness Brett was too plastered to have good aim, because nobody in the buggy was hurt...the horse is a different story. Not having enough revenge, he went out on the roads, and found a young Amish girl walking home from school. He grabbed the girl...put her in his truck...drove off to an isolated area...and raped her. Afterwards, he just left her there and drove off. The girl was 16. The police got a report of shots being fired in the Amish community, and eventually picked up Brett. After the Amish leaders were contacted about all of these events, they decided not to press any charges. Declaring...
...judgement is God's...

i don't know why i enjoy that story, because it is certainly not a happy one, but i just thought i'd share

Friday, February 14

whew....for a few minutes there it wouldn't let me post anything, and that could've been...unfourtunate.

I went to tower practice today and jumped off of a really tall cement platform. Once in the air, i did flips and such, and proceeded to land my hands onto the surface of the water...if you did not already know, let me be the first to tell you that the water HURTS when you land on it...it doesn't matter HOW, it always hurts. Gravity accelerates matter at a rate of 9.8 meters/second or something like that, and that roughly puts you at 30 miles per hour in a downward velocity. There are few things in this world that feel good when they fly into your body at 30mph....this includes the water. Now, the surface of the water has a thing we call "surface tension"...this "surface tension" can cause the top of the water to take on solid-like characteristics (chars. such at HARD).

now it's time to use your imagination...
Imagine flying 30 mph head-first towards a hard, flat surface after spinning yourself around as many times as possible.

...and they say diving isn't a sport...HA!

Tuesday, February 11


Local Paper did a thing on my team. I'm so proud of us :-D
i feel like crap so i'm hittin' the hay early tonight....11pm

ok...i have to stop listening to these songs every night, i have to stop reading the emails, i have to stop looking at that damn picture....even though it gives me goosebumps every time...nothing is right, or fair, or what i want....it's always something else...nobody around me cares about what i think/feel/want and that kinda makes life SUCK. but that's not the problem...the problem is that i can't ever be with someone that i love, who also at the same time DOES NOT EXIST. She has a name, a face, a voice, a mind, and a soul, but the only one of those i've seen is danac...and i've only heard her voice on the fone....sweet moments of bliss turned into months and months of pain and longing...for an imaginary perfect girl.

random thought 1.) WARMTH TODAY WOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!

2.) i bet Zac $10 that Zora would win in "joe MILLIONAIRE"

3.) i predict i'll be single my whole life

4.) i wish somebody would help me change #3

5.) motorcycles are expensive, i want a moped, or motorscooter

6.) pop-tarts will not suffice as only means of supplement for an entire Sunday

7.) pop-tarts will never taste the same again

8.) i miss Dr. Garverick :-o !

9.) the only fat on my entire body lies in my butt and ear lobes

10.)....*drumroll*.......Michael Jackson is a scary lookin' dood/doodette

Monday, February 10

Well, first off, lemme tell ya that Zac loves his guitar, and he isn't saying that just to make his GF happy...he really likes it. He's trying to learn for real, and that's kind of inspiring, so it doesn't bother me as much when he sits there and strums on his untuned strings. Anyway, i've found new obsessions to envelope myself in: Crono Trigger, Angelic Layer, and wondering WHAT THE HELL I'M GOING TO DO WITH THE REST OF MY LIFE. I'm supposed to meet with an academic advisor sometime to discuss my "career plan" but if i, myself don't know what i want to do, then how the heck should SHE know??? I dropped the whole teaching thing because i would be on probation in the college of ED, due to my 2.1 GPA....i might still teach....but i really don't know.
If only it weren't so damn cold...
This weather isn't depressing as much as it is ANNOYING. i miss the sun, i miss WARMTH...and dammit, I MISS WEARING MY SANDALS EVERYWHERE!!!!!! ok, that last one IS depressing, but i'll get over it sometime......say...around springtime.

Sunday, February 9

It was Zac's birthday this week. His family gives him wonderful presents. His girlfriend got him a watch, and...(i don't believe this)...a guitar.......*silence resembles that of DEATH*...........:-(.......don't ask me why she got him a guitar, because I sure as hell don't know. She spent 200 simolians on that guitar, and he doesn't even know how to play. BUT...(and i say this with much sadness, and greif)...he swears that he will learn how to play, and how to get good. Now, if you've never heard someone learning the guitar, i will inform you that it is one of the most ANNOYING SOUNDS IN THE WHOLD WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is putting effort towards learning chords, creating chords, and over all being good....and ya know what? good for him! i'm glad he's doing something other than drinking or diving, but darnnit...the boy is tone-deaf, he couldn't hit a note if it were taped to his fist! I only hope i can persevere through this time of constant twanging and plucking....and i also hope he will learn to play, because that'd be neet :-D

movie suggestion: Orange County (i'm dead serious, it is pretty good)

Thursday, February 6

i know i know i know, i need to stop posting these silly silly quizzes, but HEY...THEY'RE FUN!!!!!!!! and this one's hilarious (read dialogue). i'll post later

You are 48% geek
You are a geek liaison, which means you go both ways. You can hang out with normal people or you can hang out with geeks which means you often have geeks as friends and/or have a job where you have to mediate between geeks and normal people. This is an important role and one of which you should be proud. In fact, you can make a good deal of money as a translator.

Normal: Tell our geek we need him to work this weekend.

You [to Geek]: We need more than that, Scotty. You'll have to stay until you can squeeze more outta them engines!

Geek [to You]: I'm givin' her all she's got, Captain, but we need more dilithium crystals!

You [to Normal]: He wants to know if he gets overtime.

Take the Polygeek Quiz at Thudfactor.com

Tuesday, February 4

i hate my geography class

Monday, February 3

find your element
at mutedfaith.com.

i know i know, but this one looked too good

Take the What High School
Stereotype Are You?
quiz, by Angel.

SWEET! i just figured out how to insert...
oh the possibilities!!!
keep your head up for more blogs, as how this new advancement makes me giddy HEEHEEHEE

ah....Feb-yu-air-E...the month of love and....well... mostly cold, wet icky weather...but LOVE will soon be in the air, making people do silly silly things. Yes, Valentine's Day is coming up again, and there is nothing you or even I, Jarman can do about it. There have been many V-days in the past where i was only happy because the wonderfully edible valentines were given out in grade school, or when friends would give me valentines they found on the ground in middle school (of course they scribbled out the previous name). But then came the lonely days of high school...and now college, where i watch the commercials, and i see the little hearts in the stores, and i see all the girls wear a shade of red or pink or purple [{isn't pink a shade of red?}]....and i do just that....watch. Never to buy a heart full of chocolates for someone, never to write a poem, then attach the poem to a rose, and leave it on her pillow...never giving, feeling, recieving, or acting like i am in love...even though i've come close...and have never had the chance to truly know on one instance...but i will someday....right?...."better to have loved and lossed, than never to have loved at all"...so does that mean that loving rarely happens to people? and do people ever love and WIN?...what a strange quote. Anyway, i think that the valentines day is a good day for everyone who wishes to have someone very special to them in their life, but that it also sucks, because it is a reminder of how lonely us lonely lonely people are in this cold month of February.