I am Jarman.

the single-turn jar-opener superhuman wonder freak

Tuesday, December 13

[get me the fuck out of here]

I've felt obscurely opinionated lately. Like i'm saying things from behind bars, or like i'm wearing a weighted vest. I need to escape somewhere, like go camping or something. That'd be fun I think, who would seriously be down for that sometime late December? Man scout leeman? WeeL? Vick? For rizzle I don't care where we even go, but I feel like I need a retreat of some sort. Not a macho camping trip necessarily, but something more challenging and demanding than a video game but not as overwhelming as a stupid practice, study hall, and test schedule. I own flannel shirts and I like to wear them.

I've lended the PS2 to Tony, gave Lee my game boy, my coach has my 360 cables, the gamecube is still in the basement in kirkwood, and Ninja Gaiden is RIDICULOUSLY hard (fire breathing dragon boss(still nowhere near the end)). Fahqers are busy or dropped out of CMU or handicapped by a bogus connection so i got nothing there. I don't feel challenged... or I don't enjoy the exiliration of success. I feel beleagured by time constraints and responsible for making up for "lost time" by doing all of my recreational activities all at once. It's like trying to eat all your meals at once, dassa noh goot.

I'm really pessimistic about xmas, and generally unexcited about where i'm headed. This entry is turning out to be really bitchy and whiney, which bites, i suppose. BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
i hate my roommate when he goes into his room for the sole purpose of blaring music as loud as he can, belching as loud as he can, laughing and cursing at his tv, then playing his guitar poorly while singing along to it with even less eloquence than his burps. boo

i'm falling asleep writing this and that's just annoying. note the time of day and allow me to comment on myself first...

Saturday, December 10

Happy Birthday, Jarman

I started this blog my freshman year, December 10th 2002. This blog is exactly ...um... THREE YEARS OLD! Awww, it's just an infant! I remember baby bloggy's first steps, first cuss word (ass), the day i named the voice in my head, blog's first online quiz (highschool stereotype - geek), creepiest post (April 3rd, 03), first blog in all caps (april 17th, 03), first picture (oct 21, 04), worst birthday post 2 years ago, my tao (feb 2, 04), finally getting a comment page (feb 20, 04), shortest post (this also happens to be one of my personal favorites(i know cuz'n liz loves it))(april 25, 03), linking facebook and therefore citing evidence of shark for the first time (nov 4, 04)

This is all i can really think of right now. It's taken me 5 days to write this post and read all of my past posts to find the good ones and then write about them and date them... This feels really rushed but i'm really proud of this landmark and hope you all enjoy the posts i picked out. VVeeL is in town and we're gunna go see narnia tonight and maybe run into Tony while we're there. Wish me luck on finals, because you all know that i could use the luck.. that you give... when you put snakes in my boot.

Happy Birthday, Jarman!

Monday, December 5

crisp dollar bill

I had 4 one-dollar bills in my wallet this morning as i approached the BCC vending machines. I used the first one on a cherry coke, and then proceeded to the candy machine to browse and finally decide that a GRAND Honey Bun would be my snack o' the day. I whipped out the first one and gave it the old slide-it-along-the-side-of-the-machine-like-a-peice-of-taffy trick, and neatly unfolded the dogears. There was a little tear in the middle but i tried it anyway REJECTED! FUck YUO MahCINE!! YOU SuckC!!!! TAKE sMY DOLALR!!!!!! But it didn't. I calmly folded the bill back into my wallet and chose the next one. After a similar ribbon-like fancy-pants straitening procedure involving folding it hotdog style and then wrapping it around my index finger, i stared into the eyes of my Mrs. Freshley's GRAND Honey Bun (delicious microwaved). This didn't go on for long because Honey Buns don't have eyes. *dollar goes in* *dollar goes out* * dollar goes in* *dollar goes out* [repeat times 19]. SIGH MOAN HUNGER! I sip my cherry cokakoh-LA and consider my options: retreat to the spare 65cents i've stored on top of this regular machine of mine and get a bag of all-satisfying Doritos, OR roll the dice and continue retrying these dollars amsterdam hooker style all morning long. YOU LIKE IT WHEN I SLAP YOUR COIN RETURN, DON'T YA?! YEEUH GIT IN THAR! Suddenly I notice the 3rd bill in my pocket. It's disgusting. It probably had gum on it at one point. George's face looks like a green, weathered armpit. Cherry Coke is getting cold, Honey Bun is begging me to try it, my stomache is about to (Hulk) SMASH my stomach out of my back, and time is being wasted here in front of a vending machine instead of in front of a game boy playing advance wars where i belong!

It took the crappy dollar, i left the change on top of the machine(now totalling 80 cents), then hid out in the back of the building pouring the sugar into my bowels fairly quickly and showing the AI how exactly to use recon and artillery. Yummmmm.

Friday, December 2


In my oral tradition class, one of my FORMER classmates was very overweight. He was easily the largest person i've ever seen sitting in one of the desks in GCB. The other thing that stood out was that after he sat down in class, he never moved an inch. I would sit behind him in class and see no activity from this man, yet after class he'd pack up his notebook that was strewn with tons of notes. He must've had very gracefull hands.

I bring this up because i saw him driving around a Scion xB. At least i think that's what it's called. It's the on that looks kinda like a Honda Element, really box-like and square... and rectangular. So i saw him driving around in his vehicle, sitting completely still in the driver's seat, and still looking FAR too large to fit inside a vehicle of that size. MY POINT IS: he must have telekinesis because he never actually moves his body, apart from walking and sitting down and standing up. Notify the X-men.
I saw that dude, which reminded me of OT, which reminded me of JMFoley, which reminded me of the classics dept. on the 4th floor, which reminded me of how good the heating works in that building, which reminded me of being warm, which reminded me of grandma's house, which reminded me of my OTHER grandma's house where the upstairs is FREEZING, which reminded me of camping, which reminded me of the freeze-out that steph and VVeeL are thinking about, which reminded me of last year when i tried champagne, which reminded me of being back in kirkwood at home, which reminded me of our cats, which reminded me that they gave away our two kittens, which reminded me of puppies like Toby, which reminded me of Jessica, which reminded me that i have her car keys because i dropped her off at class this morning, which reminded me of brown bag lunches at school and finding out that your mom had stuffed in so much cool stuff into a brown paper bag that it almost seemed impossible for the bag not to BURST INTO EDIBLE FLAMES OF MAGNIFICENCE! which of course reminded me of the xbox 360 that will arrive on my doorstep on the 6th of December, which reminded me that I said i wouldn't open it until after finals, which reminded me that i need to make a schedule of studyhall hours and decide what i want to study when and how, which made me wonder how much i actually had on my mind, which made me think of Boyko and Kendra at the Texas Invite, which drove me to call Boyko to get an update on how they were doing, and boyko's voicemail made me remember calling him last year when he lived in the dorms with jeff, which reminded me of this morning when i saw jeff lifting with the football players and when he didn't believe me when i told him that i WON an xbox360 for FREE, which reminded me of actually opening the email that said i won for REAL, which reminded me of christmas, which reminded me to make a christmas list, which reminded me of the xmas that vveeL and i got the gamecube and how awesome that was, which reminded me of the 360 and how awesome THAT will be, which made me want to invite all of my friends over to have a party or something that would NOT be 360-centered or themed, which made me think about how many friends from san antonio i have not visited in YEARS, which reminded me of high school and what kind of person i was, which reminded me of going to church and believing in a god, which reminded me of losing my faith and transitioning into who i am now, which reminded me of how incredibly horrible that transition stuff can be, which reminded me of VVeeL and how he's probably going through something like that right now, which reminds me of Kelsey and how she'll be in college sooner or later and probably be an athlete like me and have tons of responsibilities but that she will have a whole team and coaches that will support her and that her family is and will always be able to help her out, which reminds me of jessica's family and how different they are from my family, which reminds me that jessica is a truly wonderful person that, like me, will never grow up and always continue to be amazed by things in the world and by the things people do and say and learn, which reminds me that i have been typing for 20 minutes strait and now have to get off this lab computer and go meet kim martin in her office to discuss the 5 packets of reading and answers that will comprise 3 hours worth of credit which will make me eligible for next semester which will allow me to finish my diving career which will complete my journey as a "diver" and send me on a new journey as a non-athlete which will allow me to consider everything i've ever done to be a success, not a failure and that i learn something from everything and never give up on things that matter because I am Jarman.