I'm with Weel, school sucks and i can't do anything about it. I might as well quit. "NO! Don't quit Evan!"
me: why not?
other me: because you don't want a crappy job for the rest of your life
me: thats not true, i don't want to work at all for the rest of my life
other me: good luck with that, you lazy bum
me: i'm not lazy, i just can't handle doing crap i don't want to do
other me: well tough luck, cuz you can't do what you want all the time
me: oh yeah...i remember that blog....
other me: thats right, so get to work
me: doing what?
other me: getting through college of course
me: but what do i do outside of college?
other me: .....holy shit i never thought of that....
me: thats right you dumbass!
other me: hey watch it, i'm sensitive
me: who cares, i'll probably end up working at target for the rest of my life
other me: is that a good thing?
me: well....it's not BAD
other me: but is it good???
me: .....shut up you stupid...er...other...part of....me...
other me: hey watch it or i'll make you dream about Lee driving again
me: dear god no...
other me: thats right, bitch
me: please don't call me bitch
other me: ok
me: so you're saying i shouldn't work at target...at least not forever
other me: yap
me: then what the hell am i supposed to do???
other me: i dunno, get a degree
me: a degree in what?
other me: something you're interested in
me: like what?
other me: HOW THE HELL SHOULD I KNOW!? It's not like i'm you or anything...
me: ......
other me: .......
me: so i should be doing something that i like?
other me: of course you should!
me: like what?
other me: *slap* you already asked me that
me: OW! i did not! i asked you what degree i should get
other me: well your degree and your career are two separate things
me: are they?
other me: i dunno, are they?
me: i dunno
other me: well i don't know either
me: well if you don't know...and I don't know....and HE doesn't know *looks at random dude in the corner*
other me, me: .........*blank stares*
other me: whoa thats weird, how's he get in here?
me: i don't know....wait...i've said that like, a billion times already
other me: tell me about it
other me: don't know what?
me: i don't know how i'm going to get a degree for a career. i also don't know what career i want to have. I also don't know what degree i want to go into.
other me: we are messed up
me: hey shut up!
other me: but you like to do things, right? like that theater class you took, and you like video games, and you like....well...more video games
me: so what? be a comp sci major? that'd suck
other me: ok then, i'll be a theater major
me: dude, that'd be even tougher
other me: so then what?
me: i ALWAYS love to talk about video games, no matter when where how or what game
other me: but what career includes TALKING ABOUT VIDEO GAMES?
me: actually none, other than the very few that have video game magazines
other me: so do that!
me: oh geez, all this future talk is making me sick
other me: no kidding, we feel horrible
RANDOM DUDE: i'm fine
me/other me: ...............................
more later...