I am Jarman.

the single-turn jar-opener superhuman wonder freak

Wednesday, April 30

So yeah, i took 2 tests yesterday and did pretty good on both of them....or so i think. With two tests in two classes in one week, my schedule has turned into study hall, geography and sociology. This means that i don't have to do anything till 11 tomorrow! w00t! It means that i played the LOTR two towers video game tonight for about 2 hours (1am - 3 am).
The weather is getting warmer and warmer....*makes squinty face*....and i like it. I like the way my pants stick to my leg as i stand up off of a bench or carseat. I also enjoy feeling my hair after sitting in the sun, and feeling the way it has heated up like coils of a science experiment. I LOVE wearing shorts and sandals. There is nothing better than a cruising down the road in your car with the windows rolled down. I love it. Burning your hands on the steering wheel is a HELLUVA lot better than having to sit on your hands in order to keep them from freezing off. Which would you prefer: blisters or frostbite? shorts or long underwear? itchy sweaters or T-shirts?

now i must depart before i nod off and start typing in my sleep

Tuesday, April 29

haha, i had to post about this...not because it's funny, but because it's so stereotypical of a place we have on campus.

On the way back from my sociology exam (*high fives* to all, because i went 2 for 2 today!) i walked past a place called speakers circle. As you know, it is a circle, and people speak while in the circle. Actually, most of the time they yell, or speak VERY loudly. Anyhoo, this very rotund, white-haired, suspender-sporting, pale old white guy was holding a bible and yelling "prepare YEEEE for the COMIIIIING of the LORRRRRRRRRRD!!!" I couldn't help but smile. Then i think to myself, why am i smiling? am i mocking him in some way? No, and i totally know what his interest is in a campus, to tell us students to prepare ourselves for the COMIIIIING OF THE LORRRRRRRRRRRRD (note the extended i's and R's, it should be pronounced accordingly) People walking by gave a casual "amen" or "I'M PREPARED" as most college folk do, but i wonder why i laugh at this guy when i myself should be in a circle of my own, wearing my own suspenders. What right do i have to make fun of this guy when i don't have the guts to get up there and yell at college kids myself? The man has a purpose in life, and he is living it out right now in speakers circle....now if only i could convince myself of meaning in my own life.

Spanish oral exam was this morning. and there are three words to go along with it...peice of CAKEWITHICINGONTOP!
It went really well/good/fine/great. It was actually fun too. I've gotten to the point where my can carry on a conversation with another spanish speaker/talker/understander. The only bad part is that my vocabulary isn't real big, so i end up making sentences like "Do you like the boss?" when i was trying to say "So, do you not like other people?"
So that's kinda vveird, but hey, it's better than cohmoh eestass....
The other thing is, i don't know if i want to take spanish next year, because i want to take a different foreign language...like chinese....yeah, that's the ticket. I'd love that and i think that my interest in the subject would provide some much needed motivation to do well in the course. :D W0ot! self motivation!

Monday, April 28

I did it.
I created a secret blog.
It is private, so nobody sees it except me.
I won't give you strangers the link either, because that blog is for me, and me alone....maybe...
It's so cool because it's secret, so cool....that i can't even tell you what it's called.
Ok ok, it's called....

HAHA, I DIDN'T THOUGH, so there.

ok, i'm really stupid so i'll just shut up

It's Monday. And you know what THAT MEANS!....it means that here comes another crappy week of schol.
It doesn't mean i'm going to compile a list of my favorite commercials, but i'm going to compile a list of my favorite commercials anyway. So here they are in no particular order...the TOP 7!!!!!! (why top 7?....why are you even asking me that question?....)

7. The Michelin man commercial. The guy in his SUV has the bobble head doll on his dashboard, and it never bobbles, so when he stops, he takes it and shakes it like he's strangling it...not knowing that the real M-man is watching from nearby.
6. Coors light commercial. Here's to the wingman. Funny song, VERY funny song. Makes me laugh so hard.
5. Fox Sports Net hockey commercials. "The more blues you watch, the tougher you get." Shows guys getting their fingers smashed, head twacked and the like, but never even being phased by the pain...because they watch blues hockey.
4. AOL for broadband. The 6 million dollar yellow buddy running guy...hehehe...world wide wowzies
3. Mountain Dew commercial from a while back. The one that shows the ram, and has a guy in the background commenting on the ram, as if it were a nature video. Then the DUDE comes out and butts heads with him.
2. Any Matrix: Reloaded commercial. I cannot convey to you readers how large the goosebumps on my arms get.
1. I can't choose one, so here's two car commercials: The Grand AM commercial where the blind lady is driving in the desert. And the Camry commercial where the dude is driving around LA and all the roads are empty, he drives backwards on the freeway and does jumps, then gets out of the car and makes a pavement angel.

As i said earlier, they are in no particular order, so don't come griping to me about how one commercial is better than another....then again, it's not like you guys ever write me an email or anything...so SCREW YOU! NYEAH!

I scored
on the classic 400 Point Purity Test!
Take the test here!

HAHA! beat that!...and yes, i'm kinda proud of it

can't blog, too tired

Saturday, April 26

The movie Identity is a really good movie. It was very suspenseful and dramatic, which always makes movies fun to watch. I will tell you one thing about the movie: IT'S CALLED IDENTITY FOR A REASON! That is all.

a quote that explains why siblings hate each other: Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.

and lastly, Vanilla Coke sucks.

:: how jedi are you? ::

Friday, April 25

i farted.

"first loves are never really over"
-somebody said it, i just don't know who

Hockey game went on for over 100 minutes tonight. Dallas Stars vs. the Anaheim Mighty Ducks. Ducks won it in the 5th overtime 4-3. Cool.
Then the Lakers game was on after the hockey game, so i watched that...Lakers lost to the Timberwolves....i was happy. It was funny, strategically speaking, Shaq needed to miss a freethrow....(you're thinking...EASY FOR SHAQ!) but he accidentally made the freethrow he was supposed to miss...it was hilarious. I really don't care about basketball. I like to play it, but watching gets boring. Baseball is SO much fun to watch live, or highlights are the best. But hockey....oh baby....i love hockey, it gets me going every time i watch it...the goosepimples!

two more things....
1.) DO NOT GO SEE BULLETPROOF MONK!!! The best part of the whole movie was the saucy girl that hooks up with that dude.
2.) i want EVERYBODY reading this to send me one suggestion on my blog, because i care about my readers...*campaign grin*
i don't care how small the suggestion is. Just do it!!!!!
(pibbnote: yes this is a desperate cry for contact with the outside world which i have had very little to do with in the past month or so)

Thursday, April 24

Morning comes and goes faster and faster every day. But today i noticed that there are about 3 times as many girls as guys in my Geography class. I also noticed that my TA is complete airhead. I also learned this morning, that no matter how much effort i put into homework, or something similar, i never ever feel satisfied. All of my recent findings look to be a sad sign for the future...except for the part about the girls.

May 24th...
May 24th...
May 24th...
May 24th...
May 24th...
May 24th...
May 24th...
May 24th...
May 24th...
There are some days I can't wait for...like when i get to see X Men 2, the day of my last exam, or The Matrix: Reloaded. But there are other dates that i have been dreaming about, fantasizing about, hoping for, wishing for, YEARNING FOR LIKE NOBODY HAS EVER YEARNED FOR EVER BEFORE {end thought}

Today i talked to a psychologist/psychiatrist about taking medication for ADD. (pibbnote: my study hall mentors have been trying to get me on medication for the past 4-5 months, and to them i have only one thing to say} FUCK YOU. Excuse my language, but there are no other words available to me at this moment that effectively relay the feelings of frustration i been experiencing. Well, me and the Doc talked about how i didn't want to take meds, and how it affected me when i used to, and how college was going and bla bla bla. Don't get me wrong, "bla bla bla" entails a solid hour of good conversation between me and the Doc. Anyway, we talked about how i kinda sucked my first semester in college. And that how some of those bad grades might have been because i was homesick and MILDLY depressed. (pibbnote: I, myself, noticed that diving practice was a huge help in overcoming the "mild depression" aka-homesickness) So then we talked about my parents and how they are great parents. Um... bla bla bla. We came to the conclusion that the people in my study hall are ritalin-shoving hags. (pibbnote....again: that last remark was mostly my opinion, but hey, it's my blog)

And as it continues to be my blog, i would like to go into my whole study hall situation. I hate it. 12 hours a week is enough time for me to get my work done. It is also WAY TOO MUCH TIME TO BE SPENT IN A BUILDING WITH A BUNCH OF INSANE, MINDLESS FREAKS! They provide me with mentors when i ask for them...sometimes even when i don't ask for them. Sometimes, my "tutor" will be one of the mentors(a mentor is one of the old ladies that basically makes you do work) reading my textbook to me. This is extremely aggravating for me, because you see....
I can read.
For some reason these mentors think i am an unintelligent person that requires special help in everything i do. They think that i'm trying my hardest to learn as much as possible, and sometimes...i just don't go the distance. Sometimes my grades aren't there...and that obviously means that i am incompetent. GRR!!!!!!! (PiBbNoTe: the blog is a-flowing tonight) To sum it up, it is insulting to be put in my study hall. They treat you as if you cannot perform tasks without aid.
RANDOM DUDE FRED: then why are you in there?
I'll tell you, Fred. I am in there because while i can perform tasks, such as writing papers, homework, etc. it is very hard for me to just sit down and do the actual work without becoming distracted. The work comes easy...starting the work does not.

Well Fred, i have become tired from zee bloggink and vish tu retire, adios.
Fred: PEACE! *two fingers*

Tuesday, April 22

i feel the beads of sweat making contact with my jeans. the air around my leg moves in and out of the bottom of my pants as i walk briskly to practice. Hands in my pockets, silently resting, while the elbows above them bounce to the left and right of my torso. Left foot, sweaty sock, big shoes, long toes...the frikkin annoying sock wraps around my big toe like cheese on nachos. Eyes squinted to avoid the sun, i walk to practice, enjoying all the beauty around me.

Practice happens like this:
coach:Evan -do dives!
me: ok coach! *does dive and lands FLAT ON HIS BACK, MAKING PAIN HAPPEN ALL OVER MY BACK* ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow
coach: you didn't do it right...do it again!
me: i can't
coach: why not?
me: because i can't!
coach: yes you can, don't be stupid
me: *continues to be stupid for the next half hour*
me: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(pibbnote: there is no more pain, i've blocked it all out. for the most part of practice after my smack, i focused on how i messed up the last dive. So when i tried to do the dive again, all i could see was myself doing the dive wrong. This made it impossible for me to make myself do the dive)
coach: just do it. you'll go off the board, land in the water, come up for air and see how INCREDIBLY stupid you are acting right now.
me: bu...flah.......neh.........grrrrrrr!!!! *does dive*
coach: good job. go home.
me: dammit

Everything after practice is a blur untill after dinner.

i'd also like to apologize for saturday's post...because it is just plain old drivel that should never be published, no matter on what scale

i mustn't post...because it'd be really mushy and annoying for everyone
so just lose interest in the blog for a while, because it's springtime and i'm twitterpainted
i shall refer those of you who don't know what twitterpainted means to the movie Bambi

Saturday, April 19

I beat The Wind Waker this week. My life no longer has meaning....

just kidding

anyhoo, i was wondering how people do certain things to their sites/blogs. Like displaying links on the side of the page, or having a little "comments" thing that lets my readers tell me that i'm crazy. Or even just graphics, like my head floating in the backgroud. I know how none of you would like to have such things on a very low-budget blog like mine, but hey...i have dreams too...and seeming how i can't play Zelda anymore, i have to immerse myself in SOMETHING. anyway, weel and kolsi are in the bore-Y-tor-y tonite, so i'm makin' this short and going to bed....because you didn't know that i was going to go to sleep right after i posted this...because i wouldn't have said "i'm going to bed"...and you would have had NO IDEA what i would do after posting...you would say "gee, i wonder what Evan does after he posts late at night...hmmmmmmm".
Well stop thinking, because i'm putting your fears to rest. No i do not have a night job. No i do not go to parties after posting. No i do not have a secret identity that takes over after i post late at night...(at least i hope not...) and NO i do NOT brush my teeth or anything. Because i've already done that. So i am telling you that the instant i stop typing, i jump up into the top bunk, which has been designated as MY bed. This is the worlds longest post about nothing, so i'll just end it here.

right here. no further...just stopping the typing, the writing, the thinking and the posting...right here....no further shall you see any writing...
except this
and this
and this...oh and that too (points down)


Friday, April 18

what's another word for flutter?
because flutter doesn't quite fit my needs, and i'm looking for a word that describes what my heart does when you say my name...but no words come to mind...
it's late and i should be sleeping
(gasp! i'm turning into Kelleh! -SUCH SHORT POSTS!) :-o

Thursday, April 17

I have time between classes, and thought i would write in my blog.
There is nothing to write about yet.
So check in later.

you can literally see where the ADD kicks in...how strange
~posted by RANDOM DUDE


Wednesday, April 16

so...here is the more me...

me: you know what?
other me: yes i know what, how could i NOT know???
me: good point...
other me: back to your...my...um hell, back to EVAN'S point, i think we were getting to something that had to do with a single problem
me: he...er...we speak the truth, the only thing that's wrong is that i can't function in school
other me: it turns out that he hates school, not because he doesn't like learning, or the fact that he is being told what to do...
me: i hate it because i don't get good grades
other me: that's a pretty lame excuse
me: well geez, lay off! i like classes
other me: when you stay awake!
me: my point exactly, i can't stay awake in some classes, while in other classes, i don't do assignments because i 'forget'
other me: forget, eh?
me: yes, forget
other me: then why the little quotes?
me: because sometimes i'll have to do something, say, homework. Then instead of going to my room and doing it, i get distracted and do something else.
other me: how the hell is that 'forgetting'?
me: say i start playing games while i should be working. If i'm asked "do you have any work to do?" by either myself, or others, i will say no, because me and other me want to play games or watch tv more than do work.
other me: this is true.
me: i will become so involved in what i'm doing, be it tv, sleeping, gaming, reading, ANYTHING! that i totally forget that i have an assignment due, or that i have a quiz, or that i will subconsiously tell myself to forget it
other me: its true, he does this all the time. he has work to do, and after an hour of gaming, makes me forget about anything involving work so he can play longer
me: thats how it works, sadly
other me: sad indeed, he failed a class this semester
me: yeah, i have a list of things to do, but never really do them
other me: that's bad, i'm tired of forgetting things
me: or is it 'forgetting' ?
other me: good question...lets ask him
RANDOM DUDE: hey guys, i'm here for comedic uses only
other me: drat
me: anyway, this forgetting problem can be solved by one thing only: DEATH
other me: ew...that's not cool
me: no kidding, so lets try to figure out what the hell is going on in order to lead a happier life, eh?
other me: eh?...who says eh?
me: we do
other me: oh, that's right

Tuesday, April 15

i just saw a new commercial for The Matrix Reloaded....
there are tears in my eyes....it was so beautiful...

"This war is not about oil," Rumsfeld said. "Our decision to intercede against this dictator and not against the dozens of other ruthless dictators in the world is not about oil. France and Russia's opposition to this war is not about the purely coincidental fact that both countries have lucrative, pre-existing oil contracts with Iraq. Furthermore, the interest of many U.S. corporations in the war has nothing to do with oil, either. This war is about liberty. Oil wells deserve liberty, too."
~The Onion
(Pibbnote: i'm sorry if some of you do not find this amusing, but i think it's hilarious)

I'm with Weel, school sucks and i can't do anything about it. I might as well quit. "NO! Don't quit Evan!"
me: why not?
other me: because you don't want a crappy job for the rest of your life
me: thats not true, i don't want to work at all for the rest of my life
other me: good luck with that, you lazy bum
me: i'm not lazy, i just can't handle doing crap i don't want to do
other me: well tough luck, cuz you can't do what you want all the time
me: oh yeah...i remember that blog....
other me: thats right, so get to work
me: doing what?
other me: getting through college of course
me: but what do i do outside of college?
other me: .....holy shit i never thought of that....
me: thats right you dumbass!
other me: hey watch it, i'm sensitive
me: who cares, i'll probably end up working at target for the rest of my life
other me: is that a good thing?
me: well....it's not BAD
other me: but is it good???
me: .....shut up you stupid...er...other...part of....me...
other me: hey watch it or i'll make you dream about Lee driving again
me: dear god no...
other me: thats right, bitch
me: please don't call me bitch
other me: ok
me: so you're saying i shouldn't work at target...at least not forever
other me: yap
me: then what the hell am i supposed to do???
other me: i dunno, get a degree
me: a degree in what?
other me: something you're interested in
me: like what?
other me: HOW THE HELL SHOULD I KNOW!? It's not like i'm you or anything...
me: ......
other me: .......
me: so i should be doing something that i like?
other me: of course you should!
me: like what?
other me: *slap* you already asked me that
me: OW! i did not! i asked you what degree i should get
other me: well your degree and your career are two separate things
me: are they?
other me: i dunno, are they?
me: i dunno
other me: well i don't know either
me: well if you don't know...and I don't know....and HE doesn't know *looks at random dude in the corner*
other me, me: .........*blank stares*
other me: whoa thats weird, how's he get in here?
me: i don't know....wait...i've said that like, a billion times already
other me: tell me about it
other me: don't know what?
me: i don't know how i'm going to get a degree for a career. i also don't know what career i want to have. I also don't know what degree i want to go into.
other me: we are messed up
me: hey shut up!
other me: but you like to do things, right? like that theater class you took, and you like video games, and you like....well...more video games
me: so what? be a comp sci major? that'd suck
other me: ok then, i'll be a theater major
me: dude, that'd be even tougher
other me: so then what?
me: i ALWAYS love to talk about video games, no matter when where how or what game
other me: but what career includes TALKING ABOUT VIDEO GAMES?
me: actually none, other than the very few that have video game magazines
other me: so do that!
me: oh geez, all this future talk is making me sick
other me: no kidding, we feel horrible
RANDOM DUDE: i'm fine
me/other me: ...............................

more later...

Monday, April 14

i'm no longer in college to get an education
i'm here because "i have the opportunity to get an education due to my ability to dive well"
they let me dive, they make me go to school, they make me go to study hall, the keep me from my friends, they make me go places, they make me do things that are "good for my diving career", they want "what's best for me"....
it's been a while now...lets see...how long has it been?....1, 2....carry the two MY WHOLE LIFE! that i haven't done what i wanted to do, because it hasn't been "what's best for me."
i've also never had the guts to just stand up, say "fuck it", walk out, and start something new.

i'm not sure if i woke up on the wrong side of the bed, am freaked out because i sat in a room all weekend, or if i'm really looking at my life for once.

in other words- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The smell of heat on asphalt, the way it cooks pieces of gum into flat, black pancakes of immovable, disgusting tar.
The STENCH of beer, roasted on the sidewalk. How it got there is a story in itself... but you really don't want to know how.
The odor of bodies forced into proximity of one another. A variety of smells, but none are the same.
The warm dust floats past as you cross the street, as construction constantly creates noise in the background.
The sun puts its hands on your shoulders and whispers to you "more hot days are coming"...but nothing more.
Your eyes squint as you walk to class, and you agree with yourself in saying:

(Pibbnote: Just to set the record strait, it's not hot out right now, i just wish it was...i'm tired of cold)

Sunday, April 13

This conversation between omar and i was held at 3 in the morning last night, so forgive us for our obvious lack of brain fuction.

BoriquaRapper FA: Link puts himself in his situations
BoriquaRapper FA: Zelda-- "Will you help me?"
Link-- *drooling* "I don't see why not? Go ahead. Risk my life again. You just sit here in your palace."
Mr Pibb070: hahaha
Mr Pibb070: no way man
Mr Pibb070: screw that bitch
BoriquaRapper FA: you know it's true
BoriquaRapper FA: lol
BoriquaRapper FA: just stab her
Mr Pibb070: he wants to have a life of his own
BoriquaRapper FA: and run
Mr Pibb070: LOL
BoriquaRapper FA: lol
Mr Pibb070: *stab* yippee!
BoriquaRapper FA: forget destiny
BoriquaRapper FA: here is your fate!
BoriquaRapper FA: lol
Mr Pibb070: he wants to go fishing all day and get fat
BoriquaRapper FA: I know
BoriquaRapper FA: and hang out with Saria
BoriquaRapper FA: lol
Mr Pibb070: meanwhile he tries to carry on conversations with people who complain about everything
BoriquaRapper FA: YES
BoriquaRapper FA: very true
BoriquaRapper FA: from the Lon Lon ranch
BoriquaRapper FA: to the ghosts in Stone Tower
BoriquaRapper FA: to getting a pig in the bushes
Mr Pibb070: "if only i had a way to do such and such"
Link: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SHUT YER YAP AND TALK TO ME YOU STUPID SON OF A B****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BoriquaRapper FA: lol
Mr Pibb070: "oh i love joy pendants"
Mr Pibb070: boat: we must go find out...
angry Link: F*** YOU BOAT!!!! *firearrows boat* BURN YOU STUPID WANNABE DRAGON!
BoriquaRapper FA: *realizes that he is in the middle of the sea, and the swim meter is low*
BoriquaRapper FA: NOOO!
BoriquaRapper FA: lol
Mr Pibb070: angryLink: DAMN YOU BOAT!
Mr Pibb070: *gurgle*
BoriquaRapper FA: *is suddenly transported to the entrance of where he exited last*
BoriquaRapper FA: Link-- Well that was weird.
Mr Pibb070: Link: WTF!??!?!?!?!!??
BoriquaRapper FA: lol
Mr Pibb070: Link: LET....ME.....DIE!!!!!!!!!
Mr Pibb070: *stab stab* OUCHIES!
BoriquaRapper FA: Link-- DAMN YOU FARIES!!! LET ME DIE!!! WAAH!
Mr Pibb070: HAHAHAHA
Mr Pibb070: *swings sword at fairies*
BoriquaRapper FA: Link-- What is with you Ganondorf? You change your name like all the time. Keep one. Ganon or Ganondorf. It gets confusing.
Mr Pibb070: *snaps boomerang in half* that's what i think about this stupid quest!
Mr Pibb070: *ties boat to peir with grappling hook*
BoriquaRapper FA: lol
Mr Pibb070: *throws iron boots into ocean*
BoriquaRapper FA: lol
Mr Pibb070: *drinks red potions even though he doesn't need them*
Mr Pibb070: *fires off EVERY arrow*
Mr Pibb070: *dumps bombs into ocean*
Mr Pibb070: no wait
BoriquaRapper FA: *takes off tunic and puts on shorts and an "I (heart) Hyrule" t-shirt on*
Mr Pibb070: *gives bombs to small children*
Mr Pibb070: HAHAHAHA
BoriquaRapper FA: lol
BoriquaRapper FA: I heart Hyrule
BoriquaRapper FA: lol
Mr Pibb070: *shoves the "wind waker" up Valoo's ....*ahem*.....*
Mr Pibb070: stupid fruity baton
BoriquaRapper FA: "If you give me 50 joy pendants... I'll teach you how to golf."


"Well... you see... my scripting doesn't let me move... *cries*."
Mr Pibb070: LOL
Mr Pibb070: hehehe....golf
BoriquaRapper FA: that how pointless it is
BoriquaRapper FA: lol
Mr Pibb070: *feeds fish bait...then kills them*

it's dream time

I had a dream last night that my whole family was going to go visit this park, or monument or something. Except, instead of taking the van, we took two cars....dad and chad drove one car, and guess who drove the other car? Guess who drove my baby green, my '95 altima, MY(and chads) car!?! GUESS WHO DROVE IT!....*waits for guesses to come in*...wrong! LEE DROVE MY CAR! I WAS IN A CAR, WITH LEE DRIVING! AND I WASN'T EVEN IN THE FRONT SEAT!!!!!! Kelsey was in the front seat and i sat behind lee as mom sat behind kelsey. It was so vvierd...i can't even begin to describe the sense of complete alienation i felt. The cool part was that he drove the car pretty well....except he didn't go fast enough. Seriously, he would come to a complete stop, just like every other beginner driver, and then when he started to put his foot on the gas....he would just barely touch it. He wouldn't EVER go the speed limit, he would go just below it. MAN was that aggravating! Ok, so once we get to this place, i have a little device that can read the messages i get on my away messages while i'm away. So i whip that out and check it, and danak has left 10 messages or something telling me to go look at a house for her or something. Not being a person to disobey orders, i say adios to my family and take my car to go look at this house. So i arrive at the house, and go inside to find a bunch of old people sitting in rocking chairs. I tell them that i'm here to look at the house, and the invite me in. I look around this house, and as i walk in...the floor sinks in a few inches...so THAT'S vveird. But everything else about this house is AWESOME, like it had a huge living room, a big kitchen, fireplace all right next to each other. They were big rooms, but they didn't take up much space. Then there was a staircase to the upstairs, which had a loft, so you could see upstairs from downstairs. That was coolest part. The upstairs had a bathroom and two bedrooms. I came back downstairs because i heard a familiar voice enter the house. I come down the stairs and see my teammate Aaron standing there. (for those of you that don't know Aaron, he and I are going to be the only male divers on the team next year) Anyway, he says he's looking at the house too, like we're going to be living in it as roomies. But i was just looking at it cuz danak told me to...so that was weird, then the dream ended.

Apologies to Kelleh for my rude remark about her short posts. I retract the comment in place of this one:

Kelly is a silly head.

goodnite :D

Thoughts inspired by a convo with buddy David...

Go here after you read everything below.

What if they remade the movie "Short Circuit"?

You all remember the movie with the robot that thought he was alive, right? That's the one, starring Steve Gutenburg and a robot that had big camera lenses for eyes and mini tank treads for legs. It was so funny, exciting, emotional, romantic, action-packed, i mean...that movie had EVERYTHING! But think about it...with today's technology, movie makers could build a working robot that would actually be able to ACT! This robot could perfectly perform countless scenes as if it wrote the scenes by itself. Anyway, the coolest part, as you can plainly see, is the new technology present in the robot. It would have a phone jack built into it, so it could access the internet and recieve it's knowledge WAY faster than Johnny 5 EVER could. He(or she (-; ) could have tons of different features, be twice as strong, fast, and at LEAST twice as cool. Well, at least the facial features could be upgraded from "two lenses and blinking red bar of lights" all the way up to "holographic virtual representation of Charlize Theron." hehehe

And again, the contrasting thought is: how cool would this robot have to be in order to be a "cool robot" in the year 2003? I mean, in the 1980's everybody thought a giant rolling robot that could talk and read books REALLY REALLY FAST was really cool. But today, in order for a robot to be cool it would have to fly, read minds, fold laundry, cook, teleport, be able to "enter the matrix" and kick ass like Neo, have a built in skateboard, built in home theater system AND cappuchino machine, know every language ever conceived, be able to tapdance, and finally - it would have to be as cool as i am. BUT....as we all know....that is impossible. The only person who comes even close to that is Lee, and he's just a hair off the mark and about a foot too tall. But i digress, the robot movie producers would need to create would have to outdo the previous model in every area times a bajillion, which is why they probably won't make another "Short Circuit." :'-(
Such is the way of things....the way of the force.

Thoughts inspired by a convo with cousin Liz...

I wish i was uninhibited by society and god.

That way, i could do whatever the hell i wanted. I could be as bad as i wanted, force others to do what i wanted, and make my life easier by never worrying if what i was doing was right or wrong. Because it would always be right, cuz there wouldn't be any rules saying that i was wrong. I mean, think about it. Picture a world where you wouldn't EVER have to think about what you're doing...you could just DO it. Nothing is wrong, everything is right and NOBODY cares.

Then again, in contrast, a world like that would be an anarchy. And anarchy sucks, because nobody cares. Say i own a car, and somebody wants to learn how to drive. They break into my car and take it for a spin, and destroy it. That would make me mad, but hey, i'm not gunna keep them from doing something they want to do, so i just say to myself "oh well." OR I could say to myself "YOU SON UVAH BEEEEEEEECH!!!!!!!!!" and launch towards him, strangling him to death, because hey...nobody frikkin cares. So there ends my thought of anarchy and complete freedom. I hope you all see this as something that is totally impossible to acomplish....in other words DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!

Friday, April 11

The ace is mine!
today was fine
the stars do shine
visit the shrine.

Boo to Kelleh for posting such short short posts. I mean, c'mon...you're supposed to be more entertaining than that!

So i walked outside tonight and looked up at the sky and saw stars.......oh the stars.........it has been a while since they've been out this nice, so i took full advantage of it and stared at them for a good minute or so. This mindless display of my love for these distant balls of light was cut off my my friend telling me that i was standing in the middle of the parking lot. But i got back out there tonight and enveloped myself in them again. After getting comfortable, i picked TWO stars that somehow intrigued me, and just looked between 'em for a while....and then, right after the moment i stopped staring...a HUGE shooting star went from one star to the other. It was the brightest shooting star i've ever seen. There are only two words for that...

but i can only think of one

Thursday, April 10

i just read the funniest thing....

in WEEL's blog: *wink and finger pistol*

(i'll tell you what it means if you ask me)

i jump up to bed
and lie down to sleep
the day still in my head
as i try to count sheep

the day has passed
my eyes close last
wednesday is over
the day has passed

the poem about sleeping
(these ryhmes don't come easy)
to my bed i'll be leaping
man, do i sound CHEEZY!

and now....

sweet dreams be yours dear
if dreams there be
sweet dreams to carry you close to me
I wish they may
and I wish they might
now goodnight my someone

Wednesday, April 9

i don't know what it is, but i've offended two people who mean a lot to me lately.
i apologize, even if it's NOT my fault.
nobody should feel bad because of me.

Tuesday, April 8

is it possible to have a good day when you forget your wallet?
should the fountain be turned off if it isn't pretty enough outside?
do teacers hate me because i'm tired, or because i look like i don't care?
i gotta go write a spanish paper in class so wish me luck.
lots of luck.
actually...wish me luck in bulk.

Monday, April 7

i say no
i say uh UH
-Dana Cummings

As most of you magical readers of Evan's blog know, i (Evan) am a virgin. Also that I (still Evan) am going to wait untill I am married to have sex. I (guess who) also believe that...no wait...change that... i KNOW that i can keep true to this rule of mine. Then again, it's not mine, but God's as well. Anywho...
After being in college for a whole semester, i have learned that the 3 main goals of social gatherings is to:
A. get your "buzz" on,
B. try to act like you're not "buzzing," and
C. try to hook up with someone (not ANYone, but someone you find attractive).
To set the record strait, getting a buzz can be easily attained by holding your breath for as long as you possibly can. Trying to act like you're not buzzing is just as easy as trying to act drunk. And hooking up with someone is easy, as long as you both want to hook up for the same reasons.

The whole reason i brought this up is because of part C. I don't have a problem with people fulfilling parts A and B, as long as they don't make me drink. But part C is where problems arise in the form of Evan's Pathetic Fear of Females....

Now wait a minute!

who are you?

i'm the part of you that isn't afraid of girls.

what? hey, c'mon i'm not THAT scared of girls

are you kidding??? if i were running the show you would have been with more women than Magic Johnson

ew...that's a disturbing thought

why is that disturbing? are you GAY?

what? where did THAT come from? i'm not gay!(i love women hehe-drew), it's just that i'm going to wait till i'm married to have sex

OOOO, so I have to suffer because you want to do what some 13yr-old-banging preist told you to do????

NO! I want to do this because i beleive it's what God really wants. Not because somebody told me to.

you are such a pussy

shut up, you're just mad because your obsessed mind doesn't pick up as many chicks as i do

*silence*....SO?...you're still a pussy!

*closes door to that side of Evan's brain*

So yeah, screw anybody who disagrees with me. If you agree...um...email me.

I have an alaska-sized headache
i'll post tomorrow, i swear.

i say no i say uh uh...expect more later ;-)

What's Your Movie Dream Car?

by Auto Glass America

Sunday, April 6

"60% of Visual Mathematicians wait for the otherperson to make the first move on a date."
i'm glad i know that, so i can tell my date that....when i get one....if i ever do.

Went to TWO parties tonight. Had fun at both. But i also gave a ride to one dumbass who said he lived close to me when he really didn't. And i also told two girls that i'd pick 'em up after they were done hooking up with two other guys...so yeah, i be nice, but in turn stay up till 5:45 at night...or whatever time it is when i'm posting this.
DON'T GET ME WRONG, i like being the responsible person, the guy you can trust, the person that goes out of his way to help someone....but dude....it's frikkin' 5:45

Saturday, April 5

i would again like to say that i had no earthly idea where that super long post came from....but i hope you enjoy it either way. Try to read the whole thing -i bet you can't!!!

I need new shoes. These $16 wal-mart shoes aren't cuttin' it. I want to buy new shoes, but i don't know if i can afford it, cuz i still have to pay jaime for his little car paint thing. So if i do buy shoes, i want them to be kinda athletic, but not athletic-looking, cuz i want to wear them everywhere. Above all else, they gotta be comfy, as all of you agree, i hope. These shoes will be doing running more than anything else, but i don't want running shoes. Every time i buy shoes i find it harder and harder to find the PERFECT PAIR...ya know? I never get the one pair of shoes that has everything....then again, who does? The ideal EVAN shoe consists of neon lights on the side, rockets hidden on the bottom of the shoe, spikes on the toes and heels, auto-tying laces, odor-eliminator, and a soda despenser.
And they NEVER HAVE THEM WHENEVER I'M LOOKING FOR SHOES!!! Well, it's no surprise to me that they're never in stock, cuz EVERYBODY wants them of course. But for once i'd like to own a pair...that'd be killer.

Thursday, April 3

sorry 'bout that...i just started writing and that's what came out haha. Don't worry about me, i don't sit in a room 24-7, or anything even similar to what i just described. I just thought that i would write about my dream...and then follow it to the end. The very sick, pathetic end.

Get me online.
Set me up with them controls, sadw-mouse format with a few presets and a good server....i'll tell you what you won't see me for days. Fragaholism runs in my family and i intend to feed my desires. The end of my master-gaming tyranny will only end for re-fueling, de-fueling, and caffeine comas. Carpal tunnel syndrome is the only real-life enemy, which i shall battle with small breaks every 6 hours....or whenever. Now if only there were some way to keep the cheeto cheese from getting all over the keyboard...I CARE NOT! Peripherals can be replaced. The friends and family that leave me while i surrender all my attention to capturing the enemy flag or enemy documents, healing teammates, generators, destroying enemy walls, supply stations, defenses....for I AM THE SUPREME LORD OF THE LAN!!! All who vouch for my esteemed title are squeeshed into little pixels of poopoo. I have no fear, for my rule spreads throughout not only games, servers and clans, but to message boards and sites devoted to honoring my hallowed righteousness. The few brave souls who have tried to train under me have been left weeping at their consoles, for they cannot completely be absorbed into their playing as i can. I have the ability to sit...stand...hover over controls for days on end, seeking nothing but the next opponent, and eventually, another frag. They fear me so.
I hunt, i find, i kill. I am only killed after rounds of teamwork and mortar rounds decimate my armor to a thin shred of a loincloth...to where i detonate my arsenal upon myself, destroying those around me. I am their endless, fearless, proud, masterful leader...no...I AM THEIR GOD!!!!!!!!! They worship me without spirit, but all adorn me with their many souls on my list of kills. I take their lives without consent, but also without emotion....as i no longer need them to survive within this cave-like dwelling of mine. My bare bulbous feet accesorized with yellow toenails, warts and boils. I hardly move. I sit on my ass....my painfully gelatinous ass. My hair is streaked with grease, not only of my scalp, but of chicken tenders, chips, and sodas. My lips are chapped so badly due to my mouth being ajar for days of mind-numbing gaming that even if i could like them with my parched, fat tounge, they would only peel and bleed. The contacts i used to wear have all been used up, after having worn them weeks at a time without cleaning, my eyes have changed from a dot of brown and black to a ring of red surrounding a greyish pupil. No light enters my room, because the door is shut, and no window is present on any of the four empty walls that closely surround my pathetic self. My pale skin shows stains of foodstuffs, scars of unconsious scratches in the night, with my long, gnarled fingernails. My obese mass has grown around this chair...sitting in front of a 20 inch screen...that i love...that i worship....for all of the 2 minutes it takes to reboot...my life ends. The screen is off, the room is dark, my hands go limp, and i take a deep breath...and notice that my body odor has grown from a sweat-drenched shirt to a feces-stained pant leg. The green power light goes off....and i stare....waiting.......the silence is a nice break...but never again do i wish to exit my world of rule, the world i dominate. As the small LED light returns to it's normal active state, the speakers revive as well, providing a loud pop to break the silence...which takes my attention to a picture on the crowded desktop...a simple frame and portrait...of my former self. How foolish it is to remember what a patsy i was back then....the days i spent outside wasting time with friends, playing games, running around till nighttime. But oh the food mother would cook. Every meal i took for granted, not knowing that the future held for me YEARS of ramen noodles, peanut butter, and Spam. As my mouth salivates to the memories, my eyes water as well as i see another picture of the outside of a cabin in the woods....how the light came through the clouds, past the trees, onto the doorway of a small, wooden cabin....unoccupied and alone. I shake off the tears, and look around seeing the corners of my decrepit kingdom. Boxes of software, mounds of empty containers, and untensils litter the floor. Again i weep, for my cabin has no light and beauty...only solitude. The solitude i have grown accustomed to, after i left school, ignored my parents and friends, and left all hope of companionship behind as i flew through the online lists of games upon games...wealth beyond compare....but being a deity like myself has a price.

As you see, i am a man of sick, delusioned dreams.
I am a gamer.

did you know that there is an island in the Aral Sea?

It is called Vozrozhdeniye Island.

It's a Russian name, so try to pronunce it with a Russian accent...if pronunciation of that word is possible at all....it should be said with a Russian accent.

and i shall leave you with that....for now
*runs off into the night....er...day*BWAHAHAHAHA!

TOOO MANYYYYY QUIZZES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry...but i got hooked...and there isn't a better place to put them! (hooray for blogs!)

so i took another quiz (that doesn't have postable results) that said "about 5% of the U.S. population shares the unique characteristics of your personality type".
How often do you hear that?......NOT VERY OFTEN!!! Which means i'm SPECIAL! WOOHOO!

and another thing...

Dave reminded me that pulling into my neighborhood one time, we did a complete 270 degree spin. That means we started out on one street going this way ^ and ended up facing this way > we turned LEFT into the neighborhood and went from ^ to >.....think about it....it was AWESOME.

Green info
Your Heart is Green

What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are red. You are impure, but noble. You are precious and true to yourself and others. When you love, you love entirely, and will do anything to make your love happy. You are sure of your identity, therefore, you cannot change others or be changed. You are a true prince, you may be forgotten, but without you, none of us could go on.

What inner color are you?

You're A Bishounen (Attractive Young Male)!
You hunk, you. All the girls want your body! You
have a cool car, and a way with words. You
know exactly how to get what you want.

What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, April 2

People who use marijuana for medical purposes are criminals because
A.) their behavior leads to harmful consequences.
B.) some powerful segments of society have defined the behavior as illegal.
C.) marry wanna is so much fun it should be illegal.
D.) marijuana is illegal -period-.

the memories
i remember things
these things are seen in my minds eye, as clear as day. they hold feelings, emotions, friends, thoughts, and memories of everything - from pulling the N64 out of the drawer under the TV and setting up a game of smash bros. in less than a minute - to the shadows on my ceiling at night. The things i remember are the things i love now, but never loved then...comprende? I HATED burning my hands on the steering wheel of my car...i hated having to drive the whole 10 minutes to Frosty's house...i HAAAAAAAAATED Jan Garverick...
but now...
I miss playing my violin...I don't have anybody's house to drive to....and Winter frikkin' BLOWS!

Then there are things that draw me back...every day i see people online and remember burning my fingers on the steering wheel with them in the car as we sped from orchestra rehearsal to Frosty's house(this means YOU hasown). And there are people that i spent hours and hours and hours of my life with. These people that have seen me in a speedo for the past 5 or 6 years. EVAN MISSES HIS DIVERS! I find it hard to change churches as well. I don't think i've fallen away from God, but in reality i have because i've been slowly inching away from church. I miss going to church, no matter how boring it is. Few comforts are similar to that of a christian fellowship.
Nobody visits me up here. Hasown doesn't casually(when is he NOT casual?) walk up to my door and stare in through the doorway...he doesn't walk into the room, and watch me play video games like a silent, wooden totem pole. I don't have a MANDO to bother up here. I can't go over to someone's house and start causing havoc, that'd be rude. But with MANDO, the havoc i provided was the Watters Brand havoc. :D

I miss my wife.

I don't want to blog like this anymore. It's too sad and....and....not happy. Besides, i'm getting accustomed to my surroundings up here (FINALLY!!!). That, and i'm gunna be living with Chudvick next year, ALL BY OURSELVES!!! WOOO HOOO!
Weel is my best friend.
Dave is hella close. haha hella...

This post brought to you by Jen Linkenauger (sorry if i didn't spell it right) but you can call her Linkey

3 little pigs go out to dinner. The waiter takes their drink order. "I would like a Sprite," said the 1st piggie. "I would like a Coke," said the 2nd piggie. "I want water, lots and lots of water," said the 3rd piggie.

The drinks are brought out and the waiter takes their orders. "I want a nice big steak," said the 1st piggie. "I would like the salad plate," said the 2nd piggie. "I want water, lots and lots of water," said the 3rd piggie.

The meals are brought. The waiter comes back for the dessert orders. "I want ice cream," said the first pig. "I want choclate cake," said the 2nd pig. "I want water, lots and lots of water," says the 3rd pig. The waiter says, "You ordered a lot of water today." The 3rd piggie says, "Well one piggie has to weeweewee all the way home."

Tuesday, April 1

If there's one thing in the world that can make me happy, no matter what...
it's the instant hug of 80 degree sunshine, and smell of freshly cut grass