I am Jarman.

the single-turn jar-opener superhuman wonder freak

Saturday, May 31

Story time...

The family is going to go to San Antonio this weekend. So that means everybody but me, because i went last weekend. Yep, the rents trust me enough to leave me alone all week. So the DAY - THEY - LEAVE our computer...which i had planned on using ALL week...stops working. Working perfectly, then all of a sudden...poolunka! NOTHING. So there is no longer a computer for me to talk to people on...no more computer to send emails to people...no more computer to post to my little blog. But if i don't have a computer to post on...then how the hell am i writing all of these words that you are reading right now? The answer is: I'm on my neighbor's computer. But i don't think they'll allow me on very often, so i probably won't be online for another week or so. A WEEK?? yes a week. I know it will be hard for some of you to go that long without reading my wonderfull little posts, but oh well....i can cope...so can you.....i hope (PRAY FOR EVAN!) I'm going to be gone for a while after the family gets back because i will be going to Dallas for my zone diving meet. I'll be there till monday or something. Anyway, i don't know how long i'm going to last without a computer, so either expect a post in the far future, or a very happy post in the NEAR future.

Friday, May 30

After two or three days of never wanting to get out of bed and not wanting to do anything and feeling like my life has no direction and that nothing is ever going to work out for me or anybody i care for... i have one thing to say.....


seriouslee, it's horrible. It feeds on your willpower, making you LAZY beyond reason. Being depressed is one of those things that haunts you like a smell (you know it's there, but you don't want to clean yourself to make it go away). I knew i was depressed, i knew that i had to make myself come out of it, i knew that my life would suck if i didn't, and i knew-and i knew-I KNEW THAT I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO COULD MAKE IT GO AWAY! That is the biggest obstacle. Nothing helps and you must figure out how to end it yourself...no matter how much you DON'T want to do something..you have to. Nothing is interesting, nothing is fun, everything is either too hard or not worth it. BLAH BLAH BLAH everybody talks and talks and talks but nothing nothing nothing they ever say matters. You don't CARE! YOU CAN'T CARE! LIFE SUCKS AND SUCKS AND SUCKS AND I'LL BE DAMNED IF YOU TELL ME OTHERWISE! I DON'T WANT TO MOVE, LET ME LIE DOWN, I NEED TO LIE DOWN, I'M TIRED OF STANDING UP AND LAYING DOWN IS THE ONLY THING THAT COMFORTS ME. I'LL TYPE IN ALL CAPS IF I WANT TO BECAUSE IT'S BETTER THAN BEING DEPRESSED. I was seriously depressed. I almost quit school and diving. I almost left home and moved to San Antonio. I had nothing...almost.

randomness: my least favorite word is either goodbye or off

Thursday, May 29

Pernicious and I have secretly concluded that if we were to take over the world and enslave the human race, we would need needles to inject everybody either with false memories, or cram the needles in the back of their heads from birth so they think that they live in australia. Anyway, Dark City is a movie about that kind of thing and as much as it's a good movie...it's really dark...who knew? I'm not going to post about all the shit that is on my plate right now, because i have to eat it and i don't want to talk about it, so.....yeah.

and now....The Spectacular Pibb Statement of the Day (SPS): ME = EW upside down and backwards

Wednesday, May 28

hehe, i noticed that my old posts are funny.

they make me happy, and also remind me of what college is like when i'm on my own. they are good posts.

i'm back....and front, hehe

by back i mean that i am posting for the first time in just under a week. by front i mean...the front, of course. I had a blast, a darn-good old time, a riot of a visit, if you will.

I didn't want to leave, and i don't want to stay here in Mizzery. Every day seems like a huge ball of dung that rolls over me when i try to get out of bed each morning. I lose all hope for anything while i'm here. Its like i can't be alive here, it's like i'm crawling through mud while somebody is holding my ankles pulling me the other way. i want so bad to jump up out of the mud and roll the dung ball off of me, but i can't. and the fact that i can't make myself get up hurts like a fork in my ass....so picture me in the mud with a huge ball of shit on top of me with a fork in my ass....and that's what it's like for me to live with my parents. I'm happier now, but earlier, my day sucked giant frog nuts.

Thursday, May 22

This weekend can only be as good as i make it. So i'm gunna go in swinging(actually giving lots and lots of hugs) and seize each day...every bit of each day. If you are reading this and don't know already...mister pibb is comin' home, baby...aww yeah baby...it's gunna be hella cool, mad fizzle, supa-g-dog-tight and all that stuff. And if it isn't, i'm not leaving untill it is...i'm not kidding. haha yes i am, but i'm not sure, because this STL situation is really not for me. I cannot live with my parents for much longer. They say that as long as they are giving me money and feeding and rooming me, then they get to tell me what to do....

AND THAT IS THE SINGLE MOST FRUSTRATING THING ABOUT MY LIFE RIGHT NOW!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hits things* RAAAAAA!!!!!!! *hits other things then notices that hitting things is bad*....oh *#$%....

anyway, be ready for all the Evan...that means the hair has grown back, the sandals are ready....and the supreme Pibb...is returning.
*cue intro music...walks down SA terminal*
*crowd goes wild*

Wednesday, May 21

I had a star thingy to post, but i lost it. Cousin Liz could have helped if she answered my messages.....BUT NO! hehe it's cool, anyway, i saw a link to this girls site and went there. It's awesome. She does photography and it's AWESOME. She is so pretty too...hell, she's GORGEOUS. But she pales in comparision to an image i have in my head right now of a certain person. So if you'll excuse me, i'll be off to dream about said girl untill i wake up...lets hope i don't wake up anytime soon.

Then again, lets hope that i wake up soon so tomorrow can be over, and then it will be time for me to go to her...and...everybody else =D
TWO DAYS!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 20

3 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!
three more days till i get there, till i meet her, till i see her and hold her. 3 days before i touch my home town again. Many of you people might be wondering what i mean by "home town." I'll tell you what i mean. San Antonio is the place i consider to be my home town. Because i know more people from San Antonio than anywhere else, i've gotten more speeding tickets there, i've spent more hours in school there, i like it there, and i just LOVED LIVING THERE. So if you want to argue with me about whether or not i should think it's my home town then i refer you to this guys finger.

Monday, May 19

I noticed that i always post after midnight, so it shows my post from the day before as the present day's post. In other words, this post is my Sunday post, but it is labeled as Monday. So seeming how it's really Monday...THERE ARE FOUR DAYS LEFT IN THE COUNTDOWN TO END ALL COUNTDOWNS! Prepare yourselves Texan friends, for i shall soon be in the greater San Antonio area on thursday. Be there, divers, so you can see my mad skillz i have attained in the college competition level of our sport. Macarthur-people...be prepared for any visits i hope to make...i hope. And if you attend St. Matthews united methodist church and wish to see me....GO TO CHURCH!

Sunday, May 18

I saw Reloaded for my second time today....and i'm telling you all that it only gets better after you watch it again...and again...and again. Lee's B-day was today and it was cool...and that's it. PEECE!

Saturday, May 17

Today = just as good as yesterday, if not better!

cleaned the house, then the family came, and i mean all of them, my whole family, my g-parents, uncle jim from San Diego, and uncle and aunt manring, and their two children. Plus Chad came home from college....as a 21 year old. HOLY CRAP! We went to dinner and he ordered a BEEEEER!(just one, and he wouldn't pound it, even though i told him to(rats!)) So my older brother is drinking alcohol leagally, and Lee is going to be driving legally and Kelsey is going to be in high school next year.....and i'm.....still gunna be picking my nose and wishing i could just get this growing up crap over with. Sure it's tough, it's hard, it's confusing....but somewhere in my brain i love it. It's fun, exciting, NEW AND freshhhhhhhhhh, but somewhere in my heart i hate it. I only wish i knew what i should do with my future life, because that would make this "college" crap more bearable.

We went to a baseball game tonight, and the Cardinals won! w00t! we go tomorrow as a family again, for Chad and Lee's b-days. Speaking of which, it is also David's birthday on this 16th of May.

Friday, May 16

Today = great

Woke up around 11 in the CAVE of a basement that i sleep in. It took me a long time to wake up because there is NO LIGHT whatsoever in that room, and because there is no clock either. Now i ask you, how relaxing is it to wake up in a room with no clock, knowing that you have NOTHING to do? I will inform you that it is VERY relaxing. I might have woken up 5 times, and i wouldn't have known it because it was pitch black in the room and i couldn't tell if my eyes were opened or closed.

Secondly, i had a leisure-oriented morning/afternoon that included cereal and a shower. After said shower i put on my GREEN shirt. It is one of my favorite shirts. (because it's greeeeeeeen) Then went B-day shopping for Weel with mom, but we found no gifts. Her and pop keep asking me what they should get him, but i just tell them that i am going to get him something that he wants. No, i don't tell them that i'm getting him a SWORD, because well....they wouldn't let me. =D But i would get it for him anyway, because he's old enough, and he really really wants one. So i'm getting him a silver and black Nodachi. It's going to kick ass. But after unproductive shopping, we went to pick weel up from school, then dropped me off at the community college across the street to apply for summer school. Blech...i don't like school, but i gotta. Then i walked home and took weel to his viola lesson, and brought PIE back from her afterschool thing. It was a fun ride home, because PIE was shouting things out her closed window at passing vehicles. After being home for no more than an hour, weel and i went to see...

The Matrix: Reloaded

...it was f****** awesome. I can only express a small amount of my enjoyment of the film my saying: w00t. Heck, a summary for the day could be summed up as "w00t".

But it wasn't a perfect day. Because i cannot help people i care about, and that is a very saddening feeling. Two girls i love and care about have recently told me that they wish they didn't have to wake up tomorrow morning. They tell me that life is too much, and that it will never get better. My friend Omar tells me that he hates a person so much he wishes that he would die. Both himself and the other person. What can i say? Should i say anything? What SHOULDN'T be said? I DON'T KNOW! It pains me to listen to my friends go through such hard times, such painful unbearable times....but it hurts more to watch and listen but not do anything.

At least when i'm THERE i can give a hug....but here all i can do is hope and pray.
They better be alive when i get down there. Otherwise i don't think i could leave.

Wednesday, May 14

In the bathroom today...(stick with me here...) i was washing what remained of my geography final off of my hands, when i noticed something. Today was my last day in the dorms. and also Today was my LAST DAY having Zac as a roommate! This was a very emotional moment for me, because Zac was THE best roommate ever. His motto is "I don't like confrontation." Therefore: HE PUTS UP WITH ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING! So i'm going to miss him as a roommate, a teammate, and a friend i will remember forever.
hehehe, it was mighty embarrasing to be crying in my floor's bathroom, especially when a guy walked in and saw me sobbing into the sink. haha, just kidding...maybe...

But my freshman year is over, well...technically. I have gone through two semesters of college and NOT died, NOT gotten kicked out, and NOT "scored" with any college girls. WOOHOO! I'M THE UNSTEREOTYPICAL COLLEGE STUDENT! go me, w00t w00t, and all that jazz. It has gone by so fast i don't even know how to explain it. It's like i was riding shotgun while some idiot took the wheel and ended up sitting at a computer for most of the year.(and no, that idiot is not WEEL, it's me) But i think overall i made good decisions. While my grades show otherwise, i think i learned alot. Mostly how to deal with drunk people, people who like to talk about getting drunk, and lastly, that being drunk is not fun for Evan. But don't worry, i still have 3-5 years left here at Mizzou to find out a helluva lot more stuff.
You TOO can learn all of these FUN and EXCITING FACTS about your University of Missouri. Well...it's not necissarily YOURS...but it CAN be if the PRICE IS RIGHT! *cue the music and the girls* I'm your host Evan Watters, and i am going to bed. Waking up tomorrow i'll have a chance to compete for a season filled with sun, pools, and no school...that's right, it's SUMMER! Give it up ladies and gentlemen! Lets hear it for summer!
crowd: yay
Host: oh come on, that was crap
crowd: YAY
Host: I couldn't agree with you more. Now lets show the audience what they want too see!
What the audience wants to see.

Monday, May 12

I just finished my spanish final. And walking back i had the song "Under the Sea" stuck in my head. Don't deny the fact that you know which song i'm talking about, you remember the song, who sung it, and you can at least remember some of the lyrics. It's a good song. I can hear the clam-drums in my head...do do do do do do do do do do

fresh out of batteries
but you're still making noise

family get togethers are only special if they are short...otherwise they are too memorable to want to remember

Had momma day din din with mom...and everybody else. I noticed something....MY LITTLE SISTER IS GOING TO BE A FRESHMAN IN HIGH SCHOOL NEXT YEAR!!!!!
HOLY CRAP WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN??!?!?!?!?!?!??!!!?! Seriouslee i'm afraid of this. My sister is too young to be in high school. Given: she has grown up with 3 boys, one of which is super cool, another which is super smart, and another brother that well...weel. I like to think that i've prepared her to be a good little girl at school and with friends, because well...i've kinda screwed up a few times. I've let her know how the screwed up parts go, and then she knows how not to screw them up. Don't get me wrong, i haven't done any REALLY bad things, so she still might screw that up...like having UNPROTECTED SEX!!!!!!....HAHAHA. I am proud of her, because she is the pretty one that is going to grow up and live a better life than all her older brothers....except chad.

Sunday, May 11

Again, i post while in study hall...

Well, i'll only be living in my bleak little 10x13 foot box of a room for 3 more days. I can't believe my first year of college is already over. I cannot believe that i have been in college for two whole semesters. I do not believe that i am now technically a sophomore in college. I refuse to think of myself as a college student. I have no idea what i'm doing here, because the first year went by so fast that i don't even remember anything; if i'm supposed to remember something then get me out of here quick...cuz i don't think i did. I have no belief in the statement: "i have completed one year of college". I am trying to say "i am in disbelief that i have completed a year of college" in a bajillion different ways, because...i really can't believe what just happened. Everybody tells me "oh don't worry, MY first year went by quickly too." But WAIT A MINUTE!....WHAT'S THE POINT OF TAKING ANY RELEVANT CLASSES YOUR FIRST SEMESTER IF YOU AREN'T GOING TO BE ABLE TO RECALL THEM LATER IN LIFE?????????


Then again, i can't say that i've completed a year of college yet, because i haven't taken my exams for spanish and geography yet. So wish me luck while i sit here in study hall staring at a book for hours and hours.

Friday, May 9

HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!....
During the last hour with Jonny (my gay spanish tutor), we were going over a worksheet. In a section of this worksheet, i had to write a personal ad for the paper, looking for a girlfriend/boyfriend. My tutor, of course, was doing this worksheet with me, so he asked me...
J: What are you looking for in a boyfriend?
me: um...
J: ...or girlfriend. I mean, what are you looking for in a guy, or girl...because you know, you could be looking for a guy...
me: girlfriend, girl, yeah a female, una mujer, no, not a guy
J: alrighty, because it would be ok if you were looking for a guy...
me: ok! well in a GIRL i'm looking for intelligence....etc. etc. etc.

Later he asked me where i lived, because he suposedly wanted to drop off a book that he wanted me to see.
Then ENTIRE TIME we were working on this review worksheet, he was staring at me, staring at me. He would have his head down on the desk like a puppy who is begging for attention, and he would just look at me while i tried not to freak out...i almost freaked out....seriously. and that would have been embarrasing...
J: *stares at me*
J: huh?
J: um, ok

and if i did that it would have been ver uncomfortable for the both of us, because well...i don't really have sex with lots of women, and because he has been hitting on me for the entire semester.
that was the most uncomfortable day i've ever had.

I'm in study hall today again. I have to spend another hour with my spanish tutor in a very small room. He sits as close to me as possible.
i can't stand it for very much longer, but hey...this is the last time i'll be seeing him, so it's all good....except the part about him saying "give it to me" whenever he wants me to translate something for him. Anyway, i hope i live through this and i also hope that i don't kill him, because i'm losing control here.

Thursday, May 8

I had a bad day.
in 4 words: rain; gay spanish tutor
it rained, was miserable outside, had an unknown spanish test, turned in a crappy paper in sociology, then had to spend 2 hours with my homosexual spanish tutor after a really long practice. My tutor is very touchy-feely. I feel like i'm being harrassed, and it is not funny. I don't mind homosexuality, as long as the gay men don't hit on ME. It distrubs me to no end, because i'm not like that. Anyway, i was all mean and depressed and stupid to people, so i apologize. I'm gunna watch lots of Trigun, and go to bed...then maybe dream about eating ice cream, because ice cream is a happy thought.

I kinda wish my blog had more pizzaz.
I post stuff into a blogger page, then it comes out in the greeen page and looks all plain and...bla. Don't get me wrong, i love the greeen, i LOOOOVE the greeen. But i wish i had a comments thing, or a link bar or a candy machine or something. I know there are HTML sites out there that i could go to, but i still wouldn't know what i'm doing.

Whoa, i just saw a guy in a suit walk past me. He had a super bright yellow tie on. He was also the size of a house.

Anyway, my geography class is officially over. I have no more classes to attend other than spanish, and sociology. Then finals....THEN SUMMER! Not like summer is really anything to look forward to. Because i always have to dive and dive and dive and NEVER STOP DIVING AND ALWAYS DO THE DIVING ALL SUMMER LONG AND GO TO MEETS AND NEVER GET A F*C*I*G BREAK!!!!! *rips hair out*
*tries to put hair back on head, unsuccessfully*

i think a stereotypical man's heaven would be like this:
(the instant you arrive...) Where've you been? thank god you're here...Because we need YOU to catch the touchdown pass. Their defense is lined up for blitz and we're at the -4 yard line. If you make this catch it will be the greatest play in the history of sports. We're down 13 points, but i think this one will put us on top. Now we only got 1 second left, so we better get out there and do this. After this game we have a nazi war zone to invade and then the worlds longest game of poker, so hurry up. Between activites, there is the best buffet in the universe with unlimited bagel bites, cheese balls, little weenies on toothpicks, buffalo wings, and DIP O' THE GODS. You only go to the bathroom when you want to, and no part of your body EVER itches.

on the other hand a stereotypical WOMAN's heaven would go something like this:
(upon entering, tall dark and handsom greets you) Where have you been my whole life? I've searched the globe for your elegance and beauty. Come, let us waltz through this crowd of people and sing a love song that i just wrote, that you, coincidentally know by heart. Here, take this gown made PERFECTLY for you, and these shoes, and these shoes, and these shoes, and these shoes, and these shoes, and all those shoes you see on that truck over there. (They walk through the crowd in revered silence as men are awestruck and women weep before her beauty) Their song has ended and she knows that he is the man she is supposed to be with for the rest of her....whatever it is in heaven. After the best wedding ever, they go to their home, and she slips into a pair of jeans that feel like she was born in them and lives, um...happily ever after?

i don't know
i'm guessing on both because i'm not even sure what my own personal heaven would be like...wait...YES I DO!

I'm falling...totally in control and completely uninhibited by anything. I stop falling, not necissarily landing, but i'm all of a sudden on the ground. GOD: hola
me: howdy
GOD: thanks for coming
me: my pleasure
GOD: i'm very pleased with you
me: my life was lived well, then?
GOD: well, it's not that you lived well....here, lemme explain (God whispers to me)
GOD: it never ceases to amaze me how many people say that after hearing that
me: now what?
GOD: i dunno, what do you want to do?
me: does this place have an arcade?
GOD: no.
me: well phooie, i was planning on playing every game ever made
GOD: well, i can arrange you to go visit 'the other place' for a while, but i haven't heard many good things about it
me: wow, there are that many games?
GOD: you've played all the good ones, trust me
me: wow, and i haven't ever played a dreamcast...who knew?
GOD: well actually....
me: other than you, of course
GOD: of course. So you wanna try my new flavor of sobe?
me: i really don't need to answer that
GOD: i know, heh heh, here *hands sobe to me*
me: *drinks sobe and is speechless*
GOD: this stuff kinda goes hand in hand with the secret i told you earlier, doesn't it
me: like i never thought possible, yes
GOD: ok, i'll let ya go now have fun
me: oookay, hey, what're you doing later? you want to watch some Trigun later?
GOD: sure, why not?
me: awesome. one more thing...
GOD: yeah?
me: (i whisper my question to the big guy)
GOD: ...yes
me: man, i love this place already!

Wednesday, May 7

allow me to show you all what popup showed up right before i started typing this post...

What if I told you I could show you, in 3 easy steps, how to locate, download, and burn to your own recordable CD's ALL of the CD+G karaoke songs you want? "

I am going psycho over popups, mostly because i can't keep them from "popping up". I try an ad-blocker, but NO RESULTS! WHY OH WHY?
and i also hate my study hall, but you already knew that

here's a short list of things that make my day:
5. drinkin' a SoBE!
4. getting out of practice
3. getting out of study hall
2. seeing stars at night
1. wishing dana sweet dreams

May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd
May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd
May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd
May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd
its like a broken record that i just let play May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd
playing in my head all day and night May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd
I CAN'T WAIT I CAN'T WAAAAAAAAAAAAIT!!!!! May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd
i just miss everybody so much May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd
May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd
May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd
May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd
May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd May 22nd

Tuesday, May 6

Yesterday i had the word Ellis written on my hand. And today i figured out why. Because there is an auditorium named after Albert Ellis or something Ellis. The point is that my spanish final is in Ellis auditorium on monday. And for some reason i decided to write ellis down on my hand.

so the mystery has come to an end

pumple rumpstead

I've found that my favorite blogs contain things that i remember after 30 minutes, then forget about forever after said 30 minutes. I love to write about strange people i see on campus in the computer lab underneath the arts and science building. I like describing my walk to class in X-treme detail. I LOVE spewing thoughts of mine that don't last long, so i can go back and read them and say to myself "dood, that's AWESOME!" because at the time i was thinking "dood....THIS IS AWESOME!". Its kinda like when weel and i talk about stuff that we mutually enjoy. Because we will describe the things we like about it, and then both notice that we described the same thing in two different ways. craaaaaziness Anyway, i'm so tired i can't think strait, which probably means this is all coming out crooked. So if somebody could doublecheck this entry for me and make sure it's not totally bass-ackwards then i would be very happy :D

and oh yeah, WEEL is the coolest

Monday, May 5

I watched the movie Metropolis tonight. It about the future of humanity involving robots, the "Jeigulate" (think of if as: Tower of Babel version 2.0), and a young boy and an android girl he finds. The soundtrack was all 20-30's jazz. That was really strange to hear in an anime, but it worked for me, basically seeing as how this anime is a remake of an OLD OLD film made back in the early 20th century. Anyway, i liked it...enough said.

Remember how i wrote that 55 word story? Well i confirmed with cousin Liz that it had to be EXACTLY 55 words, and it had to have a twist at the end. So i didn't meet the requirements exactly, but oh well. Speaking of cousin Liz, her town got ATTACKED by a tornado this evening. She and her whole family are alright, but their town square is apparently demolished. So that's how mid-missouri is faring this evening.

recap of weekend....here it goes....
FRY-DAY! -- Saw Xmen 2, that was awesome, chilled with cousin Liz in her hotel with her band friends and chad, watched moulon rouge
SADDER-DAY! -- Woke up, drank a Mountain Dew, went to eat, came back to the room, watched some Trigun, drank another Mt. Dew, went to play basketball and ended up playing football, came back and drank a Mt. Dew, snuck into the pool and goofed around in there, came back to the dorm again....and drank a Mt. Dew, then tried to go to bed but ended up sitting in bed till 5 am because 4 Mountain Dews tend to keep you wired for a while...*eye twitches*. With these extra hours awake, i thought alot about what i'm going to do when i go to San Antonio on MAY 22ND and see everybody i've been wanting to see for almost a year.
SON-DAY! -- Woke up, sat directly and firmly on my ass ALL DAY.

I have one week of school left, so wish me luck. And remember, all my student-readers, the end of the school year is coming soon for YOU TOO, so get yer ass in gear and get yer shit done. That's all i got, peace.

Saturday, May 3

and here it is....post # 2
Cousin Liz told me to try to write a complete story in 55 words or less. So here goes nuthin'...

Once I thought I loved a girl. I told her that she was my stars. She couldn't stand that feeling while we were so far apart. So she told me not to say such things, and shut me out. But each night I find her in the stars. And I still have that feeling.


two posts tunight
post 1...
I saw Moulon Rouge tonight as well, i enjoyed it. Although the begninning was a really long drug trip that made me want to look away from the green fairy multiplying on the screen. It was good, as sappy as it was. But hey, i'm a sappy guy. Cousin Liz was here for all-state band or something and that was cool....because she's a cool girl. (-8

Friday, May 2

That's so cool that i got the shotgun and grover, i LOVE the shotgun! hehehe oh and grover is cool too. As i go through episodes of Trigun, it just gets better and better, and i keep saying to myself...."how is something like this considered entertaining?" But me and stuff like anime and games are just like that. It's not that either are great, it's just that i really enjoy both of them. Kinda like how people drink beer. It tastes like shit, but they like it, because it provides a certain happiness called intoxication. Anyway, sorry i went quiz qwaizy, i'll try not to go overboard again.

Congratulations, you're the Shotgun!

What Halo Weapon Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

comic sans
Comic Sans - You are easy going and have a good
sense of humor. You are a nice change from the
norm. Beware of becoming too cliche.

What Font Are You? (Standard Fonts)
brought to you by Quizilla

Its a bird, no its a plane, no its SUPER GROVER!!
You have big dreams but you still are scared of
your own shadow. Stop bothering that poor man!
Your Grover!

What Sesame Street Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

ok, maybe i went a little overboard....

What Is Your Animal Personality?

brought to you by Quizilla

Thursday, May 1

Canada -
Although originally a simple British colony, it has
flourished into a Mid-Level power. Admired
worldwide for its culture, acceptance and
quality of living standards.


Loved By All.

Mid-Level Power.

Renouned Despite Proximity to Superpower.

Damn Good Maple Syrup, Inuit.


Often Ignored.


Monarch-Democractic Struggles.


Which Country of the World are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

you can't deny that Canada is the funniest country you can pretend to come from. (for example: Hi, i'm Canadian, eh.) is that a question??? or is it a statement? whatever it is, saying eh is fun....eh

Spendin' all my money on phone cards
waiting for my ship to come in
in from that ocean
come home to this sea
harboring in me

i don't believe in 4 leaf clovers
all the luck they're supposed to bring
i've used all my wild cards
but there's something i can do
to get close to you

i've got dreams of love and i love you
i know you feel the same way too
i feel your spirit
when you need me and when you're away
somehow somewhere i'll see you again
but untill then i've got dreams of loooooving you

thinkin 'bout everythig little thing we ever did crazy
sippin' on that memory lane
that lane never closes
7 days of the week
i can drive in my sleep

cuz i've got dreams of love and i love you
i know you feel the same way too
i feel your spirit when you need me and when you're away
somehow somewhere i'll see you again
but untill then i've got dreams of looooooving you

dreams i will share when i see you again
and i'll see you again pretty soon
i can wait, but untill then
i've got dreams

i've got dreams of love and i love you
i know you feel the same way too
i feel your spirit when you need me and when you're away
somehow somewhere i'll see you again
but untill then i've got dreams of looooooving you

Dreams by Gavin DeGraw
I LOVE the lyrics, but the musical part of it needs work. I suggest DLing it just because i said so ;D

My coach asked me and my teammate Aaron(the only other male diver on the team for next year) if we would like to go see X Men 2 on friday instead of go to practice.
I have the coolest coach ever.

Too bad practice sucked today, otherwise it would have been a good day. There's a thought *stoops to the ground and pick up though*. What do you think about when somebody asks you "how was your day?" or "how was your weekend?" Do you actually take a moment to consider all the good parts of your day, or do you automatically replay with an answer such as: "ok" or "fine" OR EVEN...."knarly"? Think about it the next time sombody asks you, because you WILL pause and think to yourself "do i say ok EVERY TIME....even though my day might've sucked?" There is nothing wrong with having an automatic response to this "day" question because you are probably asked the question several times a day... maybe more than several times.

I have found problems with my own memory. I cannot recall conversations, i can't remember phone numbers, names, dates, ANYTHING. It's like my brain only kinda remembers things....like it doesn't want to know exact information, it only wants to know that "i need to pay the thing sometime before 2004" or "i have to do something involving money." Seriously, it's either i have selective learning, or i underlearn things...or the vast amount of knowledge that i HAVE remembered is incapable of escaping my mind. Man would THAT suck.

With all of these fantasy movies coming out (LotR, XMen, Matrix, Spider Man, Hulk, Legally Blonde 2, etc...) i keep wondering what I would do if i were in a comic book or something like that. I have come to the conclusion that i would have really cool shoes, first of all. Secondly, Weel would be my partner, because dernnit....we think so much alike it's amazing that we don't blog about the same things. But yeah, Weel would be my ninja sidekick....making him....WINJA!...or is it NEEL? haha, in any case, he would be -the man-. And as for myself- (other than the spiffy shoes of course) a green outfit with a sword of some sort. Along with this sword i have a handgun that is among the top 5 in badass handguns. Yes....that's it....green garb, sword and gun...and shoes...probably boots....oh yes, now we're cooking...

*drifts off into world of forests and cowboys and spaceships and kings and cities and princesses. Evan and his bro Winja travel in this world as sons of God, protecting all that they can. While the unnamed evil (it's unnamed because i haven't thought of a name yet) terrorizes villages and cities in search of -it- (no, i don't know what -it- is either). The road these brothers travel involve friends of many sorts, but mostly enemies that will provide these two badasses with much trouble and problems. Why do they travel? To seek out LOVE AND PEACE throughout the land of....(i dunno....something).*