Some of you might have noticed that I am acting if I am depressed or angry or sad or unhappy. Well let me put your fears to rest. I am unhappy. hahahaha, no really, i am! and i figured out why... I have the worst ear infection i've ever had (that's saying a lot from someone who lives at a pool), I have infected mosquito bites and poison ivy all over my legs it looks like i have leprosy, my legs itch so bad that I might start scratching them with a cheese grater, I'm failing my summer school math class and have no way of passing it, and i haven't told my parents this yet, Jillienne(a little girl from diving) was a huge jerk to me last night and today, nobody at diving listened to me, it's hot, I haven't been diving because i've been coaching and it's vveird, I had to drive the van today instead of my car, and nobody likes me. So maybe i complain too much about little things, but i think this stuff was bothering me. Have no fear, i'm getting more unhappiness or whatever the crap that was...back to normal Evan....the GOOD kind of pibb everybody knows and loves :D
Thursday, July 31
Wednesday, July 30
After living with my sister for the summer, i've noticed that her and her friends are perpetually "liking" someone else. Lauren likes Ross, Kelsey likes Mark, Bobby likes Fred, stuff like that. There is some downtime between liking someone though. You either like someone, or you don't like someone. For instance, Kelsey used to like this guy named Justin, but now she doesn't like Justin anymore...and she doesn't like ANYONE. I mean, she doesn't "like" like anyone right now. So i figure...if i were in middle school, then i would currently be in the "don't like like anyone" phase. Characteristics of this phase(for me) are 1. saying "sweet dreams" to everyone 2. laughing a lot more 3. apparently getting lots of mosquito bites. The main one is the sweet dreams. When in the non-liking stage, i say sweet dreams to everyone. But when i start liking someone, i say sweet dreams ONLY to them. So if you frequently talk to me, and i don't say sweet dreams to you...then you know....nothing because sometimes i don't say sweet dreams at all and sign off. But i just like saying sweet dreams to people, almost as much as i like saying howdy. I'm so tired that i feel nauseous (aka - like i'm gunna pyook)
Monday, July 28
I took a bath yesterday. A bath. It's very relaxing to just soak in water for a while instead of having it rush over you. Also, lots of things formulate inside your head while sitting in the tub. For instance, i thought up a lot of really neet "as depressing as watching the water run down the drain" can you tell i liked sitting in my tub? hehe also...i have very very very bad news...there is only one thing that has made me angrier than this thing that has happened today, and that was when my parents moved to St. Louis. And that just barely passes this one up. This horrible disgraceful act of pure, unwonted evil was no accident, and has caused me greif beyond words. Ask me about it if you think you can handle my infinite torment. Speaking of torment...i have bug bites and poison ivy ALL OVER MY LEGS... i can't sleep, sit, stand, lie down, walk, drive, watch tv, movies, or even BREATH without them bothering me. It's sick. Ask me about that too, cuz i need to get my mind off the pain...not pain, just annoyingness.
Saturday, July 26
I am now more crazy than I thought possible. One of my lifelong dreams has come true. A goal in my life has been completed and I feel like a totally different person.
I have been skydiving.
It was awesome. I loved it. I want to do it again. I bought a necklace, and i'm probably gunna turn it into a keychain because I like keychains more than necklaces. I jumped out of an airplane at 3,000 feet and STUCK THE LANDING (go me). It was the coolest thing ever and I want to do it again...did I already say that?...well if I did, it means that I STILL want to do it again. MOO-WAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! I'll post later.
Thursday, July 24
The rents are planning a trip to the carribean. I have strange dreams of going to a beach, and meeting a girl my age, with interests like mine, and basically having one big FLING. A FLING in every sense of the word. A FLING in the sense that we don't even tell each other our last names, don't even know where they're from, don't know their friends, family, favorite food, music, movies, or ANYTHING like that....But we wouldn't NEED to know that. We could just sit together, hold each other, lie on the beach and look at the stars at night. We wouldn't talk about ourselves, just everything else...kinda like we would pretend to know each other really well, and let the atmosphere of the island take us in. The sky, the trees, the waves, and her hand in mine...that'd be nice. Why does this sound so perfect to me? OH YEAH! because it's a dream and a fantasy.(and i'll never find anybody to hold my hand or look at stars or to let me put my arm around her so it might as well be a fantasy) But no girl would ever want me to ever hold her like i wish i's almost like they're afraid of they don't want me there because i want to be too close. I'm doomed somehow. This no-relationship buisiness is not working out. It was fine back in middle school and high school...but now after 19 years of being as alone as a straw in an empty really sucks.
Tuesday, July 22
I sit here waiting for inspiration to strike. Waiting for some great idea that i had earlier today to come back to me and spout out of me like a faucet. But after sitting her for about an hour the only thing i've gotten is: 1. i wanna listen to more weezer 2. i'm kinda hungry 3. i'm lonely 4. i can't wait to get back to college 5. i like making little lists like this with numbers and short sentences or sentence fragments. Other than those 5 i'm stuck on a dead idea about how maybe me and my parents can get along. But then there's that other idea about how i'm lonely, but at the same time not actively seeking someone out. I want to buy a computer too, but if I get one I want to have broadband for it, and The Vick and I are talking about stuff like that for next year. I'm planning ahead on lots of stuff which is scary. It means i'll have what the grown-up world calls responsibility...freaky. I also feel like everyone I meet is pulling an act of some they don't want me to really KNOW them...kinda like they are 2 inches in front of my face everyday with a mask they are pretending to be friendly when i actually have no idea what face they are making behind the mask. This mask crap is possibly a trust issue i have....kinda like a paranoid thing...which...REALLY. FUCKING. SUCKS. I don't want to go through the rest of my life thinking that everybody is just trying to make me happy. Hell, i'd rather have them try to offend me with their honesty. BRING ON DA TRUTH, TAKE OFF DA MASK! mwahaha!, what a productive blog. Too bad it took me a bit of rambling to warm up, haha....and yes, i just laughed at myself in my own blog. ha ha ha.
Sunday, July 20

Threat rating: Medium. Your total lack of decent
family values makes you dangerous, but we can
count on some right wing nutter blowing you up
if you become too high profile.
What threat to the Bush administration are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Kelly always finds the good ones...
But Dave and I are gunna make one of our own, and it's going to be fun and exciting and fun and hilarious and you are going to want to take our quiz a million times...cuz if you don't, i'll cry...Seriouslee, I'm making a quiz with David, and i'll drop the link here when it's done.
Friday, July 18
I hate him. I hate him because he does all the wrong things that I did when I was his age. I hate him because he's so much like me that it's threatening. He mumbles when he speaks, he looks and acts unsure of himself, and just looks goofy in general. I hate him because whenever we fight it's like two trees seeing who can grow faster. I hate the way he is always eating, I hate the way he reads over my shoulder, I hate how he reads faster than I do, is taller than I am, is smarter than I am, and I hate how he is so pointlesslee stubborn when I try to ask him something. He recieves more punishment from me than any single person deserves. I mock him, I criticize him, I literally hit him for NO REASON, and I chew him out for even the most trivial mistakes he makes. I have probably scarred him for life. I've turned him into a self-doubting, unstable, weak, LITTLE brother. Although one day he will be the sidekick of a evil world leader and I will pay for all the chastizing and grief I forced upon him...that day will come, and I fear that day because I regret ever hurting him in any way.
There are so many moments in our history that we have proved to be brothers that it's mind boggling. When we were very young, I had to translate everything he said because nobody else could understand him, not even mom. Still to this day, I explain ideas that he comes up with because he has trouble saying them out loud. He provides slapstick and hysteria in situations that can be summed up in one word: WEEL! He gives the BEST high fives ever. He is my wingman, MY sidekick, my copilot, my favorite passenger, my dueling partner, my teammate, my partner in crime, my double-bouncing trampoline buddy, my brother, my friend, and my best friend. I love him to death, and by that I mean i'd go through hell with him if he asked me. Everybody loves him, so lets give a HUGE ginormous round of he is folks....WEEL!
This post is for the younger, but greater Lee Daniel (Obviouslee, Weel) Watters.

Sig Sauer P226. Greatest gun ever! Feel special.
Beautiful and reliable but can still scare the
living bejesus outta anyone.
What handgun are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
oh yeah baby, it's a pretty gun. Don't judge me for liking guns! I promise i won't shoot anybody. Hell, i won't even put bullets in it. Just lemme hold it...just for a moment...and pretend that i'm an action movie what a pretty gun.
Sunday, July 13
Are you harboring a fugitive? -- Hu Yu Hai Ding?
See me A.S.A.P. -- Kum Hai Noa
An unintelligent gentleman. --Dum Gai
Small Horse -- Tai Ni Po Ni
Your price is too high!! -- No Bai Dat Ding!!
Did you go to the beach? -- Wai Yu So Tan?
I bumped into a coffee table. -- Ai Bang Mai Ni
I think you need a facelift. -- Chin Tu Fat
It's very dark in here. -- Wai So Dim?
Has your flight been delayed? -- Hao Long Wei Ting?
That was an unauthorized execution. -- Lin Ching
I thought you were on a diet. -- Wai Yu Mun Ching?
This is a tow away zone. -- No Pah King
Do you know the lyrics to the Macarena? -- Wai Yu Sing Dum Song?
You are not very bright. -- Yu So Dum
I got this for free. -- Ai No Pei
I am not guilty. -- Wai Hang Mi?
Please, stay a while longer. -- Wai Go Nao?
Our meeting was scheduled for next week. -- Wai Yu Kum Nao
They have arrived. -- Hia Dei Kum
Stay out of sight. -- Lei Lo
I'm cleaning my automobile. -- Wa Shing Ka
Your body odor is ofensive. -- Yu stin ki pu
I've got a bad feeling about this. -- Sum Ting Wong
How do you want me to pay for this? -- Cai Rai Check? <<--hahaha, Yao Ming!!!...even though Yao is JAPANESE, not Chinese....
hahaha, these are great, enjoy!
He gets more shit from more people in more ways more times and more places than anyone else I know. He has had more surgeries, more ordeals with his mouth, more unforeseen problems with his body than anyone I know. He makes the worst puns, the most horrible jokes, and can barely get through a punchline without laughing himself to tears. He barely has the coordination to catch a remote control that is tossed to him. He is flat footed to the point where his feet stick to floor tiles like suction cups. He has nearly destroyed the car that I drove on a usual basis.
He strives to be a better writer, student, christian, son, and brother more and more than me in every way. He deals with his physical problems with dignity, which I truly respect. HIS sense of humor is on a different level than mine and makes for very strange, and overall HILARIOUS interactions between us. His laugh is an energizing burst of joy that lifts my heart every time I hear it. He has set the bar for grades in the family, being an honors student and all...which really sucks for me. His success in the classroom and in the newspaper surpass all of my success in the pool. I envy his ability to study, focus, read, learn, and concentrate on anything he wants. He is my older brother for a reason...if it weren't for him, i'd be a HUGE screw up(but that's a totally different blog). He has read an innumerable amount of books, and won the same amount of Monopoly games. This man bought the TMBG cd's that i worshipped, he found the condo i'll be living in next year, he has been my anchor through my freshman year of college, and has always been there for me, even when I just pushed him away as hard as I could.
One of the most touching moments in my life, and definitely the most touching moment with my older brother was just recently at the bowling alley. Weel, The Vick, and I were on a team together and we kept changing the bowlers names on the screen. We had various nicknames, then started 3 brother themes, like Huey, Duey, and Louie. Then The Vick decided to use The Chipmunks, and he had me as Alvin, himself as Simon, and Weel as Theodore. I asked him why I was Alvin, and he said
"c'mon Evan, you're Alvin... I mean look at us, i'm the smart one, Lee likes to eat, and you're just Alvin."
Never have any words from my brother touched me like his simple explanation about Alvin and the Chipmunks.
This post is for my older and wiser brother, Chadwick Solon (The Vick, Chud, Mitch) Watters.
So there is a new sobe flavor out called Fuerte, and i haven't had it yet...please understand that this is a very disturbing time for me, and knowing that there is a sobe flavor that i have not tried out there is torture.
Friday, July 11
Emo Love
Emo love is matching sweaters. Him pushing up your glasses
when they slide off your nose. A phonecall from him in
which he cries to you about how much he misses you. Calling
each other dorks and geeks as terms of endearment. Going
thrifting together. Crying in each others arms over sad things
on the news. Telling each other about the best bands no
one's heard of. Writing notes to each other. Missing them. Slow
dancing to weezer songs. Sharing cds. Him being convinced
you'll leave him for Rivers. You telling him that he's too
much of a genius to want to come near you. Singing along to
the Get Up Kids together. Not being able to live without
their scent. Making mix tapes for each other and listening to
them in the car on the way to shows. Talking about starting
a real Sunny Day Real Estate agency. Him kissing your
fingers after you hurt yourself. Sewing patches on your shirts
together. Reciting song lyrics when he's mad at you. His
inability to be mad at you for more than five minutes.
Stealing each others words. Trying to read his mind through his
eyes. Fighting over who's the bigger loser. Baking cookies
together. Eating more of it before they go in the oven.
Getting tummyaches and laying on the couch together. Falling
asleep in each others arms. Waking up and thinking it was a
dream. Him playing you your favorite song on an acoustic
guitar. Having all your friends take pictures of you and not
having any for yourselves. Joking about your emotional
wedding, knowing deep down you're both being serious. Him
telling you you're not allowed to break his heart because he'd
cry forever. Talking about the real meaning of the song
Apple Trees by Ozma. Sending letters through the mail even
though you live in the same neighborhood. Leaving secret song
lyric messages in your profiles for each other. Being each
other's life. Telling him about when you had your heart
broken and him threatening to find your ex and kick his ass,
even though he knows he'd lose. Him running an errand and
making a pit stop at your house, even though its out of his
...or he falls head over heels for another girl, breaks up
with you, and the girl could care less about him. He joins
a band, sings about her, still doesn't get her. Only dreams
about her...
and finally, you, writing songs that challenge Chris
Carraba's when he breaks your heart...
got this from wannabe-Emo Kelsey
Monday, July 7
ok, that was gibberish, but i wanted to write it, which means you have to read it....YES YOU HAVE TO! THERE IS NO CHOICE INVOLVED! just kidding, don't read it at all because it makes sense only to my brain at 2 am after driving across this post too, it's pointless.
dreams are a different matter, but she is no longer in my stars. how i wish these dreams would end, waking me up again with my arms empty and my lips dry without a kiss. there's no one there, and it hurts to think that...but what's more encouraging than a world of people out there like me, reaching for a hand that either hides or retracts with a smile? encouraging for the brave, and overwhelming for the feeble. I will not lay here and stare at my ceiling all night again. I will close my eyes to her image and dream anew, of no one...but of a someone who i haven't met, who will one day be there for me, holding me, sqeezing me as tightly as i hug her...and then to my surprise i wake up and find a thousand faces around me, with their eyes holding onto mine with...
maybe...something more than "hi"
Sunday, July 6
For i've got something, to help you understand, something waiting there beneath the metal detector, is with me all of the time...
name the song and win a FREE JARMAN T-SHIRT!
name the band and win a $2 KEYCHAIN!
woohoo!!!! don't you love summer promotions???
Friday, July 4
I stole this from Matt...except i think i'm gunna add a few of my own in here, hehe.
First bike: blue bike, it can't be described as anything else...but i always claimed that it had wooden wheels...
First best friend: Nick Henderson
First real memory of something: Preschool at my hawaiian neighbors basement in St. Louis
First car: '86 Nissan Sentra (aka-the loser cruiser)
First date: TBA
First kiss: Sarah Walsh
First break-up: danak i guess
First job: NOPE!
First screen name: DiverPibb7
First self-purchased album: Rage Against the Machine - Battle of Los Angeles
First funeral: Great grandpa Boney, i barely remember it
First pet: HAMSTERS! they always escaped and i never liked them
First president voted for: none, and I don't plan on doing any such voting very soon
First piercing/tattoo: none, and there never will be....but maybe a SoBE lizard tatoo...hmm.....
First independent home: dude, i've never lived alone before
First house/flat/apartment: gunna be me and the Vick's condo
First love: my wife, Amy Spears
First enemy: Clay Geistwight...geistweidt...whatever, he was a diver with me that hated me because i was better than he was
First big trip: Utah with mom, dad, and the Vick. We went to Jackson Hole and Yellowstone Nat'l park
First play/musical/performance: I was the giant in "Jack and the Beanstalk" in previously referenced Hawaiian Preschooler's basement...i had -THE- coolest belt ever
First sport played: baseball
First music you remember playing in your house: Maynard Furgeson's Carnival
Last library book you checked out: I think it was a Star Wars book
Last movie seen: Charlie's Angels: FULL THROTTLE!
Last book read: ummm...yeah that same Star Wars book ^
Last cuss word uttered: shit, while driving to Hamilton today
Last beverage drank: AGUA con ice
Last food consumed: Starburst, if that counts, otherwise it was some eggplant paste that uncle Dan was good too
Last crush: you know her name
Last phone call: mother dearest
Last TV show watched: Late Night with Conan O'Brien
Last time showered: around 11 this morning (i'll be good for another 2 days on that too (-; )
Last shoes worn: sandals...DUH, IT'S SUMMER!
Last CD played: My Moxy Fruvous CD in the car
Last item bought: bag of peanut MnM's in order to get change for a copy of something that i didn't need change for ok i'm rambling
Last downloaded: Yahoo game similar to scrabble...don't waste your time people, it was boring
Last annoyance: humidity in the state of MIZZRY! holy crap i've never sweated so much (sweated? sp.)
Last disappointment: the only real disappointment i have: not having all my friends up here
Last soda drank: Tropical Sprite addicted
Last thing written: post to Ramo
Last key used: key to the car ignition
Last words spoken: if "hmmm" counts, i said it as typing this...but otherwise i think i asked Vick what the eggplant paste was called (he did not know the answer)
Last sleep: in the car while the drivers seat....very dangerous
Last IM: Kelsey Anagnos
Last weird encounter: smiling at the good-looking lifegaurd at my pool...then trying to show off and looking like a total dumbass
Last ice cream eaten: Vanilla shake
Last time amused: fireworks...*super grin*
Last time in love: good greif these questions are ALWAYS redundant
Last time hugged: hugging aunts and uncles and grandma all evening
Last chair sat in: toilet
Last lipstick used: NO COMMENT!
Last underwear worn: WHITEY TIGHTIES
Last bra worn: again, no comment
Last shirt worn: orange t-shirt with a breast pocket...very handy
Last time dancing: dancing while throwing bottle rockets
Last web page visited:mr. matt
First phone call for you: 3rd grade, i was so excited
First time you stayed up till midnight: one of the rents friend wedding, couldn't sleep, too much noise
First They Might Be Giants song: The Sun Song
First food you made: TOAST!
Last fire drill: 7 pm, Hudson Hall...very not cool
Last jammed finger: used to be junior year, but that changed the other day...ow
Last song on your favorite CD: Forest by System of a Down
Wednesday, July 2
This boy can make little things into big things. He can turn a conversation about school and make it a huge ordeal about how teenagers aren't "real" in their lifestyles and that they make bad mistakes and don't respect other people who are trying to be "real"...If you are confused, don't feel left out, because as much as he rambles on and on and on(and on and on and on), his madness has a point, and it DOES make sense. Sometimes it takes him a good 30 minutes to get his point across, but that's mostly because I can't read his flood of IM's fast enough. He is very passionate about his friends and the people around him. He analyzes everything as if it's his fault, which is a very humble approach to the many problems he has been going through. He goes out of his way to try to help people, and ends up hurting himself in the process. Taking all this...taking the world on his shoulders, no less, is what he chooses to do, more times than not. And sometimes, the world kinda kicks him in the balls when he's lifting it up, and that's when the 30-minute floods of complaining woosh in. BUT, as big as he is, he is definitely one of the most caring people in the world. His capacity to help and sympathize with everyone he meets grows more and more every day, and it inspires me to be a better person. Omar is another person that I have the privilege of venting to, as I always let him vent to me.
When he's not going through hell, he's always trying to help someone else get through it.
Now back to how he can make little things into big things. There are simple words that mean nothing special to everyday people.(e.g. FAHQ, yeperoonies, "what is the malted liquor...") But when I see this large Puerto Rican saying these simple, meaningless words, I start laughing histerically. He has started, and killed more inside jokes than any other person in the world. He has made outrageously hilarious jokes out of nothing, and then takes said hilarious jokes and runs it into the ground until it isn't funny anymore. But for that amount of time, there is nothing you will laugh harder about in your entire life.
This post is for Omar (RAMO) Quimbaya.