I am Jarman.

the single-turn jar-opener superhuman wonder freak

Monday, October 27

M P 2 ?

I own an MP3 player.
I almost never use it because it doesn't hold that many songs, it eats up batteries(triple A, mind you), and it kinda takes a whlie to take off/put on songs. But i really should find a pair of small headfones and use it at school, because it beats listening to the Alpha Pi girl on her cell fone in the seat in front of you on the bus talk about which drinking game she played this weekend and about how f*cked up she got...SO YEAH! i'll use it!

Did you know that WeeL has a blog?

Wednesday, October 22

no title necessary

Here i am on another wednesday, talking about how i hate classes, and wish that my life were simpler.

Or am i here to talk about the things that have kicked my ass lately? Then cry about it. Then blog about it again, then eat lunch, and then delete the post about crying about it, cuz that's embarrasing.

OR am i here to tell everybody that i have had one of the hardest roughest week and a half of my college (if not entire) life, and that i felt so horrible that every time i even asked for help, i couldn't reach out my hand to take it. The real reason i'm here is to tell all of my devoted readers(if any) that after feeling worse than ever before, i feel better than i ever have about college. I got my paper turned in, i'm giving my speech in an hour, i still have 5 drawings due tomorrow...but i have finally gotten past all that crap that has been causing me tons of greif, anxiety,(if you include the car, money) and stress. The great point i'm trying to make is this: (ready for bold, liz?) It didn't kill me, so therefore it made me stronger.

No more "grr"ing for a while. Just relaxing and trying to stay on top of school. That, and lots of Dorkcraft: Nerdwar :D


Monday, October 20

no matter what book i need at the library, it's always located in the same damn room. The same room. The one room in the physical CENTER of the library that is so hard to get to, so annoyingly hard to find books in, and so creepy that when i do find a book that isn't checked out, i can't ever find it in the stupid 3 WEST room. I haven't done my speech or my paper. This is not good. This is not good. This is not good.
this is not good.
this is not good.

Tuesday, October 14

My day: convo with the wife after said shitty day

Mr Pibb070: lets start from the beginning of my day
Mr Pibb070: i woke up to go to weights
PrincessAmt03: ok...
Mr Pibb070: 6am
Mr Pibb070: and starting driving to pick up Aaron like i always do
Mr Pibb070: but i was half asleep while driving
Mr Pibb070: and i ran into a median
Mr Pibb070: and put a HUGE hole in my front left tire
Mr Pibb070: totally blew the tire out
Mr Pibb070: damaged the rim
Mr Pibb070: so yeah
Mr Pibb070: 6 am
Mr Pibb070: missed weights
Mr Pibb070: raining
Mr Pibb070: tried to jack the car up to change the tire
Mr Pibb070: jack fell
Mr Pibb070: scared the piss out of me
Mr Pibb070: gave up on that
Mr Pibb070: then went to class
Mr Pibb070: i was ALREADY late
Mr Pibb070: teacher tells me i have to have 5 drawings done by next thursday
Mr Pibb070: ok
Mr Pibb070: then it takes me an hour to get to study hall because i have no car
Mr Pibb070: then instead of study hall, i make up my weight practice that i missed this morning
Mr Pibb070: which took me FOREVER and almost made me late for practice
Mr Pibb070: which today...was TOWER practice
Mr Pibb070: so we went to st louis for tower practice
Mr Pibb070: and as you might have guessed....
Mr Pibb070: i smacked
Mr Pibb070: off of 10 meter (33ft)
Mr Pibb070: directly
Mr Pibb070: on
Mr Pibb070: my
Mr Pibb070: balls
Mr Pibb070: i gave up after that
Mr Pibb070: and coach got mad
Mr Pibb070: very emotional because A. i almost killed myself and f*ucked up my car this morning
Mr Pibb070: B. make up work for drawing which i missed
Mr Pibb070: C. my balls hurt...ALOT (worst pain ever)
Mr Pibb070: D. i have two tests tomorrow that i CANNOT do poorly on
Mr Pibb070: E. i leave thursday for a meet in iowa
Mr Pibb070: F. I have to do a speech on monday
Mr Pibb070: AND G. i have to turn in my english paper on monday
PrincessAmt03: ....... i dont even know what to say beside i am soooo sorry! OHH GOD BABY!!! i am soo sorry you had such a bad day!!!!!! Ohh GOSH!!!!
Mr Pibb070: H. i won't be here all weekend to take car of the car that needs fixing, or do my speech that isn't ready, or write my paper that still isn't written

i'm taking care of the studying, and the paper and speech are going to get done tomorrow
so after this weekend, all i have to worry about is my art...please everyone...send me a prayer...and pray for my balls too, because they still really hurt. But this is all you're getting tonight, because i'm obviously so busy.


BAD day

Which "Saved By The Bell" Character Are You?

Monday, October 13

I love Columbus Day.

Columbus Day

Columbus Day is a day many of us hold with little respect. Some of us, parhaps have a hatred towards this silly holiday due to the vagueness of its name, and the closing of our banks. What are we celebrating, you might ask? I say we are celebrating the spirit of adventure, exploration, and really expensive marketing ventures. Or maybe we are just celebrating mr Columbus. In any case, we are affected by this rare fall holiday by either getting out of something like class, or being bothered by something like a Columbus Day Parade. In my case, i was blessed by my english teacher today. He first pushed the due date of our papers to Friday, then when i told him that i couldn't be here Friday, he told me I could turn it in on Monday...I love that guy. He is now my favorite teacher of ALL of my classes. (sorry, Curtis of my drawing class) But man, that's so cool. I already have two midterms on Wednesday, but now i don't have to do a paper over the same two days! HALLELUIA! THANK YOU MR...UM...i don't know my english teacher's name...MR BALD ENGLISH TEACHER DOOD! YOU RULE! HAPPY COLUMBUS DAY! WOOO HOO!

and now i'm gunna go study my face off for these two tests. wish pibb lotsa luck and more Columbus day luck.

Sunday, October 12

dear malsholem...

the late night blogs are few and far between these days (as stated earlier, i have no time left to spend awake) so i sleep instead of posting and then just feel bad about later...but again feel more fatigued than bad, and go to bed. The random times that i do have energy enough to post, i never feel like i have anything to talk about. MAYBE! MAYBE! maybe the reason i have "nothing" to post about is because i never get tired enough...in other words, that the only things that i ever feel compelled to write about occur to me late at night in a state of delirium that is almost drug-like...crazy, i know. Anywho, as i described to omar last night, some things make no sense out loud, while in your mind the level of understanding is inconceivable--when these thoughts try to escape they make no sense whatsoever...to sum it up: Pineapple.

there it is. no more. thanks!

no drinking, no driving

this is one of those posts, that if i spent the time to write anything, it would make ZERO sense and everybody would feel like an alien for reading it. So i'll spare you all from the horrid thoughts that are condensing in my brain right now and say this:

Missouri beat Nebraska....wow

Wednesday, October 8

just throw it on the pile

I have been skipping classes. I've missed way too many. It is not good. I cannot miss any more. I have to start caring about what i'm going to do. I need to care about school. :'( I don't like school, but that doesn't matter. I'm enrolled in school, so i should at least put forth my best effort, right? It's like I decided to play a game of hockey without picking up my stick. And that's not cool. I wanna play hockey. That'd be awesome. But i'm talking about upper level education, not hockey. This isn't a game at all. This is a very expensive JOURNEY. A journey of fun and excitement! and also bastard teachers, homework and rules and crap and fart eating studying and reading and crap...and crap.
I don't like school.

So why am i here?

Because i dive good.

That's a bad reason to be here.

what are you talking about? i've gotten a lot better at diving.

yeah that's great and all, but what are you going to do after your 4 years of eligibility are up?


be a professional diver? HA!

hey shaddup, it's not my fault that i picked one of the most pathetically sponsered sports in the country.

yes it is

SHADDUP! I don't care about school at all, and that's the problem.

So find something you would like to learn about.

yeah, i was thinking about communications. it sounds very workable..feasable...whatever

not bad. good job, idiot

hey stop that, we are the same person!











Tuesday, October 7



I found out yesterday that I was lazy. This has to change. I'm very serious about this. But moving on...SURVEY TIME!

1.What time is it? 11:44 (but by the time i finish this, it'll be at LEAST noon)
2.What is your name? Evan, aka- Mr. Pibb, aka-Jarman, aka-Evvie
3.What is your birthday? Dec. 1, '83
4.How many sibs do you have? 3
5.What are your sibs names? Chadwick, Lee, and Kelsey (or as I call them: The Vick, WEEL!, and pie(<<-- she's the pretty one))
6.Do you have a job? i do a lot of diving?
7.If yes, where? N/A
8.If no to #6, Where do you wanna work? dude, video game tester w00t!
9.Do you have a car? si
10.What kinda car do you have/want? have- Altima(badass) want- Acura RSX(a little more badass)

11.Movie: don't really have one
12.Song(s): lots of these too, mostly themed around rock, punk, and a bit of Classical
13.Band(s): THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS, Rage, System of a Down, Weezer, Offspring, Linkin Park i suppose
14.Group: wait a minute...what did i just say?
15.Singer: Luciano Pavorroti :D or either John from TMBG
16.TV Show: Cowboy Bebop, FLCL, The Daily Show, Simpsons, Who's Line..
17.TV Channel: Comedy Central and Cartoon Network....DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE!
18.Actor: ...Luciano Pavorroti?...
19.Actress: um....Luciano Pavorroti
20.Comic: DANE COOK!
21.Magezine: Electronic Gaming Monthly - EGM
22.Food: CANDY
23.Snack: CANDY
25.CD-ROM Game: what the...how OLD IS THIS THING??? haha, i can't choose between starcraft, warcraft 3, and Oni
26.Board Game: CLUE, or Cranium...but mostly Clue
27.Card Game: Mao, Blackjack, Poker, Heirarchy
28.Kid Game: tag or dodgeball
29.Number: guess. I DARE YOU TO ANSWER WRONG!
30.Cartoon: is anime a cartoon? if not, my answer is The Fairly Odd Parents
31.Character: cartoon character? daffy duck
32.Disney Character: the gopher from winnie the pooh and lady and the tramp
33.Color: GREEN
34.Hair Color: my fav hair color?...reddish
35.Time of the day: the nighttime is the right time
36.Day of the week: friday
37.Week of the month: this is the worst question in the world
38.Month of the Year: May? i dunno

39.Do you plan on having children: yeparoonies ;D
40.Do you want to get married: I AM married...and yes
41.How old do you wanna be when you have your first child: haven't thought about that yet
42.How old do you wanna be when your married: ASAP..wow that sounds desperate
43.Would you have kids before marriage? I don't think so...
44.What would you name the boy? (this has all been planned out) Alexander
45.What would you name the girl? Makenzie
46.Are you a virgin?: yes
47.If not, Do you plan on loosing your virginity ne time soon?: nope
48.Have you had oral sex? no
49.If no, Have you been past base 1? almost, but decided against it
50.Do you even know what the bases are? YES! i play baseball all the time!.......
51.Do you have a b/f or g/f (who): no i do not have a b/f or g/f
52.Do you have a crush?: yes, TEE HEE!

53.Music/TV: TV, more lights
54.Guys/Girls: girls
55.Green/Blue: i'm going to allow you to answer this one, seeing as how i already did
56.Pink/Purple: hmmm, the pink goes well with my outfit, but the purple highlights my eyeshadow
57.Sleep/StayUp: stay up
58.Summer/Winter: summer
59.Spring/Fall: fall
60.Night/Day: night
61.Hangin Out/Chillin: do i prefer to hang out, or to chill?...that is an idiot question (yes, an idiot Q)
62.Friends/Lovers: friends
63.Cold/Warm: what the hell are we talking about here?
64.Fast/Slow: FAST! SPEED! GO GO GO!
65.New/Old: depends, are we talking cars or bread?
66.Dark/Light: depends- meat or side of the force
67.Sparkle/Shine: this little light of mine...
68.Peach/Plum: bisco peaches
69.Apple/Orange: apple
70.Laundry/Dishes: BLEH! NEITHER!
71.Christina/Britney: miss spears
72.Limp Bizkit/KoRn: wtf??? WHO CARES?
73.Rock/Rap: rock...always
74.Pop/R&B: i poop on both

75.Glass: prettie
76.Shake: with whipped cream a cherry on top
77.Club: sammich
78.Sing: lalalalala!
79.Loud: dorms
80.Garcia: the dude that bought my POS car
81.Hair: i have enough, thanks though
82.Ching: ow
83.Money: is the only reason any of us do anything anymore
84.Work: sucks
85.Play: quickly and be merry, for weekends end quickly
86.4002: a really crappy video game title
87.Betty: Rubble
88.Sara: the tricera(SARA)tops from A Land Before Time
89.Dog: doo
90.Brain: hurts
91.Nick: the stick
92.Frank: was a carpenter
93.AM: 6 am...weights...the whistle...tired...hungry...the whistle...grrr....*weeps*..STUPID SURVEY! MADE ME CRY!
96.Morning: is a wet mop slapping me in the face every day

98.Eminem: skilled...and VERY angry
99.Rap: sucks
100.Teenagers: should respect their elders!
101.Smoking: is for fireplaces! :D hooray!...sorry, i'm a little hiper
102.Death: happens
103.Life: is amazing
104.Drinking: fun!...drinking SOBE, right?
105.Bomb Threats: (see # 100)
106.Murder: is never right
107.Suicide: (see previous)
108.Fear: comes from ignorance(for me at least)

FRIENDS: they'll be there for you
109.Who is your bestest friend?: WEEL! and Dave
110.Who is the best person to hang with?: James, Omar, Dave, Weel, the Dans, Kelsey, captain flower, divers in general...wait a second... was i supposed to choose one person?
111.Who is the sweetest person? My wife
112.Whos the cutest person: see above
113.Whos the nicest?: Monica is the nicest person
114.Whos the best to talk online with?: weel or omar
115.Whos the most blonde: i never really put much thought into this, so i'd have to say that
116.Whos the weirdest: who is the weirdest?.....THE WEIRDEST?!?!?
117.Whos the craziest: crazy = dan the freakin' man
118.Loudest: weel. he can't help it, he's weel.
119.Quietest: TEFFY DRAKE!!!
120.Smartest: Dave, defanitely
121.Quickest: James
123.Most Trustful: anybody, but i think cuz'n liz knows alot
124.Most Honest: who is honest most frequently? no answer
125.Most Cheerful: Emm@

126.Are you glad it's almost done? no, gimme more
127.Are you bored? no, but i'm sure the readers are
128.What kinda mood are you in right now? i am so happy i might 'splode!...i'm normal
129.Did you have a good day today? nyeh
130.What are you doing tomorrow: gettingcomputergettingcomputergettingcomputergettingcomputergettingcomputergettingcomputergettingcomputergettingcomputer
131.What did you do today?went to weights, art, and study hall, and i'm GOING to tower practice to get monitor, router, and of course to see me mum

43923. In 3 or less sentences, defend vegetarianism:
0.00000005. Why do people like me obsess about video games?
7, again. What should I major in.(by I, i mean PIBB):

Sunday, October 5


There are movies. I love movies. I enjoy movies on TV, on DVD, on VHS, and on the big screen. They make me happy, as they do for many people. But recently, I haven't seen any new movies. I want to. I've wanted to see Underworld, and Once Upon A Time in MEXICOOOOOOO...but i haven't, and it makes me kinda mad...grrr. But i'm defanitely seeing Kill Bill, LotR RotK, and anything else that looks good....um...i'll post more tomorrow during my lunch break.

This is for Kelsey, my punk rockin' badass little buddy. (not that she's little or anything, she'll kick your ass in a heartbeat)

"I think I should have no other mortal wants, if I could always have plenty of music. It seems to infuse strength into my limbs and ideas into my brain. Life seems to go on without effort, when I am filled with music." -George Eliot

Friday, October 3


Everybody should see this. It is funny.

WELLY WELLY WELLY! It's friday. Hooray! I'm happy. I got my suprise from Amy. My computer is being shipped, this weekend is going to be fun even though i'm not going with Angela and Billy and the Nige to Billy's farm. But oh well. I love my wife. and i gtg to practice

"Behind these bedroom walls, every night I sing along with all her favorite songs. I sing it till my voice is gone. Till my lungs are bleeding. Tell me you don't miss these brown eyes."
-Jamison-Parker : "Dead to the World"

Thursday, October 2

minus one delta

I walk into practice today after a normal day of classes. 5 minutes later, half the diving team is crying.

Amanda quit the team today. After two years of being a collegiate level student-athlete, she is giving up on the athlete half. She has been diving since she was 7 years old, and Greg has been her coach since she was 13. She strives to be the best she can be in everything, and when you are working out 20 hours a week, it is not easy to maintain good grades, be a division 1 athlete, and be in a sorority all at the same time. I don't blame her. I have thought about quitting the sport, but never done so because i would be COMPLETELY without direction without it. She was an inspiration for me to become better. I KNOW THAT IS REALLY SAPPY! but she is one of the people that I silently respected for all of her hard work and diligence. I am really going to miss her amazing smile and sense of humor. I'm not saying she is going to be out of my life forever, but it will be a different team without her here. I only wish i could help her in some way in order to make her change her mind...but she has made a decision that she has been thinking about for a long time.
Not much else I can say....
Strange day.

I love my wife.

Wednesday, October 1

sell fone...sell out?

So i noticed that i had a cell PHONE(fone) the other day. And now today i realize, only after my dad told me, that i went $14 over the sell fone limit or whatever. So..lets review...

beginning of summer: me-"i can have a cell fone, because nobody will call me and i won't go over my minutes"
end of summer: everybody-"i'll call you! i'll call you!" me-"yeah right"
beginning of school: everybody- *calls me* me-"i want a scooter" everybody-"shut up, scooters are dumb"
NOW: everybody-*still calling, in fact, they are on call waiting* (jk) me-"i hate school" everybody-"dude, scooters are awesome..Evan, why didn't you buy one???" me-"because i got a computer. BLAAAAA!!!!!! *makes a nasty fun face*

that about sums it up. but for those of you you can't take a hint: STOP CALLING ME I HATE EVERYONE. just kidding....or am i ?....i am....or am i?....yes, i am kidding....but am i REALLY kidding?..............yes?...........yes.

cluck fass