Sorry for two surveys in a row, but i get so addicted.
Other than that, I feel like I would bring everybody down if I just talked about how disgustingly lonely I am. So with that, I won't. Even though i'll probably end up talking about it.
Mom called from their ski trip and the update is: 2 down, 1 howard that nobody cares about broke hand.
They went skiing with our neighbors, the Howards. The two boys are pretty damn annoying sometimes, and one of them broke his hand yesterday. Also in the news: Kelsey bumped into a tree and broke her pelvis. shit that sucks. SHOCKING BREAKING NEWS!: on the way down the hill, dad fell and broke his collar bone. shit. that. sucks. So i'm all flustered and worrying like an emotional freak. It really bites that the only thing on my mind is something like this.
So if there was a way to label my blog "melancholy" for a post..that would be today. I just...i mean i hate feeling like this. I don't think i'm really all extremely SAD, down at the negative end of the spectrum. And of course i'm not HAPPY. So what the hell is going on with me that i can't find a way to bust outta this "gray area" of crappy lonely sometimes inconsiderate and i'll stop there.