After ONE DAY of weights in the morning, i feel like i've been through a meatgrinder (SC anyone?). But i'm used to it by now, which means i'll survive as long as i keep complaining. OWWWWWWWW my legsaresosore.
But besides that, i think there is something keeping me from sleeping. It's hard to get to sleep, as well as STAY asleep. Maybe it's just my body readjusting to my bed again. That sounds right.
Now a poem:
Cheep cheep.
i am a bird. cheep
feed me feed me.
cheep cheep.
i am a bird
i am an eagle.
that reminds me, i ran over a rabbit on the way to morning practice yesterday. it was really sad, he ran right in front of me even though i was on the other side of the street. poor little wabbit.
i just pictured bugs bunny and roger rabbit in deformed masses of rabbitness crumpled at the side of the road... lemme tell ya, that made my day.