I am Jarman.

the single-turn jar-opener superhuman wonder freak

Monday, September 27

7 minute post

7-minute post

Breaking news: i got a new backpack, Kelsey is 16, I want (yes want) to major in English, Diving is still fun, school is still hard (BUT IT'S EASIER!), my car is a POS but it will be ok, i'm finding out how to balance everything at once and it is making my life easier just like mom, dad, teachers, preachers, coaches and television have told me.

I'm interested in music all of a sudden. I want to play my violin again, even if it is just scales and crap. I like every music, even if it is "Suds in the Bucket" or "Goodies." My online life has suffered because i'm doing other things. So sorry to you all that you have to see my away message all day. But honestly, would you rather read a small away message all the time or never have any way to keep in contact with me, save for the comments you leave below these posts? (I hate being away, so i might just sign off when i'm not online (therefore killing a small part of my life(but none the less, killing it))

I wrote this post in 7 minutes because i had class at noon and started writing it at 11:53.

and oh yeah i met Simon, the foreign exchange student staying with my family in STL. He's cool as shit and can hold his own against weel and I in smash bros. I fear for Simon, because he lives with weel and must go through great confusion while weel says things like "PINEAPPLE SANDWICH IS LEFT ON SUNDAYS!!!"

sister is 16....that is so weird.

Saturday, September 25

wtf is wrong with me

Title: wtf is wrong with me

Waking up on a couch is similar to waking up in a hospital. General questions arise because you are not in your own bed: Where am I? How did I get here? What time is it? Finding comfort in the front room window of my apartment, there is the secondary string of questions such as "Why did I fall asleep on the couch?"

But that question was answered when I decided that my full-size bed was too lonely to sleep in last night. The only reason it would feel lonely, I conclude, is because after having shared it with someone, it is no longer a suitible place for one person to occupy for an entire night's sleep. The main reasons being that it's too cold, it smells like me, and my head doesn't ever sit right on my pillows anymore. It just sucks when you're thinking about somebody who's been next to you, who isn't next to you anymore. Like avoiding a memory, it's near impossible. Because every time you try NOT to think about it, you of course think about it.

The simple and painless spooning is simple for some but apparently, i'm too emotionally unstable to participate anymore. I say this simply because I cannot express at all my feelings about the girl in question. There are several reasons why, but in short, it wouldn't work out and I already feel akward talking to her or about her. SOOOOOO shut up about it and maybe it will dissapear and i will be able to use my bed again...
But the avoidance of the thought instantly brings the thought to mind...
so i'm screwed
for now.

I believe a cure may be found in some other girl...but how much luck am I going to have when the only one I've been able to talk to is instantly staying over and all of a sudden making wish she wasn't? Luck by some standards, yes...but I don't want that from a girl anymore. I've never wanted anything sexually from someone, that's always been true. But now that i can't stand being here alone, i'm concluding that it means i have very strange problems with intimacy.

This is not new to many of my friends up here at mizzou who make fun of me because i don't like being touched on the thigh or don't like holding hands. But honestly, if I have issues AFTER somebody has spent the night with me, that's saying that there is a slight glitch in the "closeness" system. In which case, i feel slightly inadequate or... unwanted.

But with so many attractive girls around me, and with my inability(at a subconscious level) to talk to them, it feels like i'm in purgatory, or someplace very annoying. The place is caused perhaps, by the college environment which freely supports the party/hookup/waking up in dorm room with a stranger activity. But as we have covered, i'm merely jealous and/or unwilling to put myself into that kind of lifestyle.

So what i'm saying is: i'm alone. I don't like it but i feel stuck here, alone. I want out but whole-heartedly doubt my ability to be -not- alone. And in short I want a hug but don't want to be held.

what the fuck is wrong with me

Tuesday, September 21

tath mest



Sunday, September 19

my night could not have gone worse.

betrayed. confused. dismayed and ultimately....i don't know where my pants are

Saturday, September 18


I had brunch at 11 with my family that came into town for the football game. I had OJ, milk, a BBQ pork sammich, and sun chips.

The football game started at 1, but Nigel called me at noon to see if I wanted to go cruise with him to Best Buy to stare at/buy movies. I went with and we stared and bought untill around 1, upon which Kim-o called and wanted me to go to the game, so Nige dropped me off and I went to the game which was a landslide boring victory.

From the game, around 3, Kim-o, Nicky and I went to Lion's choice to eat lunch. I had the roast beef combo and finished off about 1/4 of nicky's sammich. I was very full. Then while walking back to Nicky's, I went home where my family was waiting and celebrating our victory.

Then we went out to eat at Steak and Shake with Liz and Joe and I had chili mac supreme which was altogether too much food but i ate it along with my side-by-side milkshake and i feel stuffed and have eaten enough food for 2 days of college life.

Thanks family for feeding me. I have to go now.


Wednesday, September 15


Rhetorical Post

Why do people love pictures so much? Why do people bring their cameras everywhere, take pictures of everyone, forcing them to stop what their doing in order to pose for a stupid flash to blind them momentarily... why?

First of all, I enjoy pictures. I have nothing against pictures, cameras, or people who loooooove taking pictures. I was just thinking about it and decided to post about it. w00t pictures

But seriously, how can people be so obsessed with taking a good picture, while other people hate taking pictures? "I don't take good pictures" they say, among the mumbling excuses they make as they hide from view. Who cares what you look like, a picture is simply proof of an event, a documentation on a party or trip or situation...nothing to be afraid of. Nicky takes tons of pictures and has a separate photo albulm for each roll she takes. She likes crafts and stuff, so of course she has to make a book of 'em, but she takes pictures of EVERYTHANG.

And yes, that's what inspired this post so nyeah. It doesn't even matter if the picture is of the same person with the same smile hugging a different person each time, the pictures are hard copies of memories that we don't want to forget. (Or in turn, memories we might want to forget) But the picture is proof that it happened and that is worth respecting.
To those of you who don't like being in pictures:
You don't exist.

I need a backpack.

P.P.S. - (pps stands for post post script, and comes after the usual PS...but i've already posted, so this is the script AFTER my post...hence post post script)... um...(what was my point down here...) OH YEAH! I CAN'T WAIT FOR SATURDAY! I predict fun times. :D (and maybe a few pictures ;-) )

Sunday, September 12

fuck fucking sundays

I will keep this brief, soley because i do not want to be doing anything that requires thought, effort, or energy.

The short story is: I woke up when my roommate chased a burglar out of his room. The burglar stole my backpack, calculator, all my video games and movies, and my sunglasses. He got in through the back door that was unlocked, and Jo couldn't get a discription of him, so there is practically no way in hell they will find him. Filed a police report and everything, so don't ask about that.

That was all at 6am. At 8 we went to do a stadium run with the freshmen. It was good. Then just the divers left for the lake.

It was really fun and i was hyper and everybody was laughing at my jokes :-D *thumbs up* Nik and i rode the jetski first, and after bringing it back...it broke down. w00t. At lunch, i leaned over my plate to get a bite and a wasp basically flew stinger first into my ear. Yes, I got stung by a wasp in the ear. It swelled up about 3 times it's normal size and still hurts now. It's red, tender and swollen like a fucking freak ear. I took benadryl but it just made me drowsy, hence my brevity in this post. I feel horrible.

I blame the wasp. Fucking wasp.

Wednesday, September 8


I have a headache and need sleep badly. I am not doing well in my math class already. This is unacceptable. My whole body hurts and i'm starving. I'm writing this in a comp lab during my 10 minute break from my 2 HOUR WTF math class.

i saw http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5942268/?GT1=5100 <<--this and thought it was funny.
because seriously..."space capsule full of mysterious space dust and rocks crashed to earth"
sounds like either A.) the local population will become infected by the space dust and turn green with antennae and super powers and crime-fighting suits and stuff. or B.) Ganesh will sprout from the dust and rule the earth.

all praise ganesh

Tuesday, September 7

sorry guys

that was for my class...i had to save it here and then print it later on campus. Forgive me.

I just watched some dude smile after reading an email. That's a happy thing.
Kinda like 6:30am workouts....

Off i go to my socrates class. I smell like feet because i didn't have time to shower. And that cute girl always sits next to me. This kinda sucks.

my car is dead

Visiting Dakota

Out of the few books I read when I was younger, even fewer left such dinstinct impressions on me. I can't say that I remember any of the autobiographies or novels I was required to read for book reports, but I do remember the very large books my older brother would hand down to me after adding them to his even larger bookshelf. He was the reader of the family, with glasses and a hunched posture. All day i'd be busy seeing how far I could see over the house while jumping on the trampoline, and he'd be seeing how close his nose could get to the page. "It can't be good for your eyes!" my mother would exclaim at Chadwick, my older brother, as he scampered through a paperback before dinner under a unlit lamp. "I don't see why you would do that to yourself!" she clicked the light on and he would wince. I never understood how he could sit down and quickly swing through pages like a hunched monkey in the dark wearing a wobbly, dirty pair of glasses.

My few books were action-packed and filled with adventures that would have made Luke Skywalker and Spider-Man proud. The one book about a dragon had full color drawings. Even though the main characters never really looked the same in each illustration, it was still neat. The other one about the aliens made me wish that they had landed next to MY window one night. Each story so eventful and suspensful. Probably nothing like the books Chadwick read.

But there was a time when my older brother was not propped against a pillow turning pages. He seemed to have taken a break between books (which wouldn't last long). I walked into his room to bug him, and to my surprise, he looked up and greeted me. After chattering like brothers, he walked over to his closet and pulled out an unmarked, hardbound, grey and greyish blue book. But the thing he did next probably made my face look like it was covered in cherry pie filling. He walked, with book in hand, towards me and handed me this apparently, mothball of a book. He smiled, looked at me through his dusty glasses and tried to hand it to me. Grimacing at him, then the book like it was some kind of weapon, he stated: "Evan, you have to read this book."

But of course I wanted nothing to do with that boring book of his, it didn't even have a picture on the front, which of course means there are no illustrations inside. But he was ready and countered my comment with the dust cover of the book, which shocked me almost as much as when Vader broke the news to his son. The cover of this book was simple, a vague background with an almost superimposed image of a small girl with short hair wearing an ugly shirt holding her hands in her pockets. I was captivated. "Dakota of the White Flats" was the title, and even though I had no clue what the title meant, I wanted to find out. At that moment, the book sitting in the oustreched hand of my older brother became the first book I would ever really love.

Though this even may not have been as dramatic as it sounds, I certainly did not let Chadwick know that I was instantly infatuated. After I let him pester me a bit more, I took the book from him and back into my room, laid it on my nightstand and went outside to distract myself for the day. But at bedtime, I forced myself to open the book and start reading. This method of reading before falling asleep was a very slow process, but chopping through the book felt good(even though it would fall to the floor, causing me to lose my spot and start over). There was nothing else in the world I wanted to do when I was reading the canvas-covered silver-edged pages of this master work.

Dakota was the girl on the cover, and the vague background on the dustcover soon came into focus more as I read about her Minnesota apartment complex. She lived with her mother and the landlord in a small, dirty apartment. Her younger neighbor was her best friend and accomplice, riding around in a shopping cart that was souped up with cardboard box wings and other things. Dakota of the white flats would save the day, disposing of the helpless bugs for the Entomophobial landlord who would boss her around and sit on the couch like a fat bird in a nest of potato salad, chips, and beverage cans. He was disturbingly ugly and fat, but I don't know how fat, because he was in my head, wasn't he?

He only existed on the written page, but somehow this book made him seem so real and tangible. This book excited my nerves and spoke to my mind like a movie projector. Every word I read felt like it was some story I had experienced myself. I was in the book myself, riding around with Dakota and her laid back attitude! I looked as cool as she did, caused and solved as many problems as she did, but how I longed to visit her cold, northern home to live in the same apartments with her. The way I read this book took me on a ride Spider-Man could only dream about. Dakota didn't need super powers or magic, she was a hero in real life.

My nights spent reading the book took me late into the night and it was like a right of passage. After finishing at around midnight, I carefully hid the dust cover near my bed to look at it later, and walked into my brother's room to give back the platinum-grey, nobel-blue book he had handed me weeks ago. He was still awake, and looked up at me with surprise as I set the book on his bookshelf, eyed the rest of his books with a pompous glaze, and left the room again quietly. He probably saw the grin on my face as I shut the door on th way out as he commented: "Told you it was good."
That is an understatement, I thought, as I fell asleep staring into the dust cover that night, wishing I was Evan of the Grey Chains, or Evan of the Red Bricks. My time was still spent on the trampoline or watching cartoons after reading that book. But no story or character or place or sidekick or landlord or shopping cart will look, feel, smell, or sound the same as they did in the White Flats.

Thursday, September 2



To appease those of you who feel pity for the rabbit I ran over (Stephanie K.) I'd like to make a little post about what I'm reading in two of my classes, hopefully to shed some alternate light on the subject.

First, a passage from Plato's Apology

Socrates speaking to his jury after being sentenced to death:
"Let us reflect in this way, too, that there is good hope that death is
a blessing, for it is one of two things: either the dead are nothing and
have no perception of anything, or it is, as we are told, a change and
a relocating for the soul from here to another place. If it is complete
lack of perception, like a dreamless sleep, then death would be a great
advantage. For I think that if one had to pick out that night during
which a man slept soundly and did not dream, put beside it the other
nights and days of his life, and then see how many days and nights had
been better and more pleasant than that night, not only a private person
but the great king would find them easy to count compared with the
other days and nights. If death is like this I say it is an advantage, for
all eternity would then seem to be no more than a single night. If, on
the other hand, death is a change from here to another place, and what
we are told is true and all who have died are there, what greater blessing
could there be, gentlemen of the jury?"

And now, the beginning of Vladimir Nabokov's Perfect Past

"The cradle rocks above an abyss, and common sense tells us that our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness. Although the two are identical twins, man, as a rule, views the prenatal abyss with more calm than the one he is heading for (at some forty-five hundred heartbeats and hour). I know, however, of a young chronophobiac who experienced something like panic when looking for the first time at homemade movies that had been taken a few weeks before his birth. He saw a world that was practically unchanged - the same house, the same people - and then realized that he did not exist there at all and that nobody mourned his absence. He caught a glimpse of his mother waving from an upstairs window, and that unfamiliar gesture disturbed him, as if it were some mysterious farewell. But what particularly frightened him was the sight of a brand-new baby carriage standing there on the porch, with the smug, encroaching air of a coffin; even that was empty, as if, in the reverse course of events, his very bones had disintegrated."

Socrates gives the jury no real reasons to sentence him to death, because in either case, he can't lose. :D
In Nabokov's writing, I just loved how the "chronophobiac" saw the home movie of his parents anticipating his life...and death sentence.

Rabbits die. So do we. *high five*