I am Jarman.

the single-turn jar-opener superhuman wonder freak

Thursday, February 17


GREAT NEWS! Blizzard has finished a patch for Starcraft: Broodwar!

This means many things for those of us (in Clan FAHQ?) who play SC all the time. The link is to blizzard.com, but i'm gunna just cut n' paste a few of the changes on here...on second thought, i'll copy all of the changes:

  • Changed Speed from "Fast" to Fastest" for Ladder Games.
  • You now can preview your map in the Multiplayer chat screen.
  • Added feature that allows the creator of a private Battle.net game to make the game public under the creator's name in Multiplayer Chat screen.
  • Added full Korean language support for battle.net and in-game.
  • Added a Friends List Feature and button that allows you to keep track of your friends on Battle.net.
  • Added Friend mail feature that allows you to email members of your Friends List.
  • Added Password Recovery and email registration features (like Warcraft 3 and Diablo 2) so you can recover your password via email.
  • Changed the default race type in single custom games to Random.
  • It now remembers your last map and folder setting when you create single or multi player games.
  • Brood War will now show 'maps\BroodWar' folder as your default map folder.
  • When a building is selected and if a ground rally point is set the rally point will briefly animate.
  • Added minimap ping (Alt-left-click on minimap to show graphic location.)
  • Added alliance colors on units - Shift-Tab changes your color to green, your allies to yellow and your enemies to red.
  • Added right-click feature that will set your building rally point.
  • Added shift-# to add a unit to a control group.
  • The mouse cursor stays on the game's monitor in multi-monitor environments.

Ok, maybe i am overreacting to this kind of late-breaking news, but OMGZZZZZZZ is this awesome! I love playing SC and now i can love it more. I MEAN, ISN'T THAT SO AWESOME OMGZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111oneoneoneoneallzerglingswtfwerewethinking??????????/////////slashslash\

So listen up, kids: i'm leaving Tuesday for Conference at A&M. I will be there till Sunday (get back to MO Sunday evening) and i am going to kick some serious ass. If you can read this and are attending Texas A&M, GO-TO-THA-MEET-TO-SEE-ME-DIVEEEEEEEEEE. I would be more than happy to see any of you... whoever you are. I'll message people through facebook too.

But yeah, w00t to blizzard and thanks a bunch.

Oh yeah, and if you want to go DL the patch... i'll provide the silly link here.

Monday, February 14

Academic Renaissance

A guy in my writing class had gloves that looked like chicken fingers. My teacher is going to let me turn in the assignment I forgot about. It's amazing how the world can throw you a life raft when you need it the most, and expect it the least. The snow has all melted, and the wind is getting warmer. Today is very yes after waking up and realizing that I forgot to turn in an assignment. Instantly, I think I'm done for and start blaming everything and everyone that TRIED to help me.

Then I realized that once again, I have screwed up and need to take things more seriously in my classes. This semester is, once again, the most important semester of my college career. I have to stop getting down on myself. I will forgive myself for failing the Socrates class last semester. I will not blame Kim Martin anymore, I will not blame the number of studyhall hours I'm in, and I will not blame the medication, the weather, my coaches, practice, my brother, my car, or my alarm clock.

My schooling is my own. NOT anyone else's.
So now begins my 3rd Academic Renaissance.
Now I show my devotion (to school).
Now I make my parents proud, and prove them right.
Now I turn things around... now I make the decisions.
and now... I become Jarman

Wednesday, February 9

Is there a future in video games?

I've been keeping up with video games for the past 4-5 years. I've subscribed to game mags, read info on the internet constantly, and always been enthralled with renting, demo-ing and playing new games. I don't like the fact that there are a ton of really good games (new and old) out on the market that i haven't played purely because i haven't been able to afford them. It's pathetic that money is the only reason I don't play them.

I'm not trying to say that I want to play and own every game and spend EVERY spare amount of time playing them... that would be disgusting and pathetic. But I do want to involve games in my life, possibly in a career. I have no idea what kind of skills are required to be involved in a video game-related career, but I am eagerly willing to send out applications, etc. to magazines, websites, etc in order to make gaming not only a hobby, but a career.

This is pretty ambitious, i guess. And pretty "pie in the sky" type dreaming, but FAHQ J00!!!!11 i need something to hold onto with my future looking so....unknown.

and so anyways--

1up.com has 2 xbox rumors! neither of them are very good rumors...but i take what i can get from this subject of which will become HUGE in a few months.

I'd like to thank everyone who sent comments or called or IMed me or anything about the last post. I'm doing what I can right now, outside of being very busy with school, i'm busy with getting ready for my big Conference meet at Texas A&M in 2 weeks. And outside of school and diving, the worrying level is rather high. But yeah, thanks guys.

starcraft pwnz my 50uL!!!!11

Monday, February 7


Went to bed nauseas. Woke up nauseas.
Walked to class in the rain.
Forgot printout for writing class.
Teacher (in writing class) told the class that we should know what we're doing.
Teacher told everybody who raised their hand that they were wrong (or weren't right).
Despised every minute of it.
Walked to 2nd class in the rain and my nose started running.
Sitting in my 2nd class (world religion) I noticed there is a wart growing on my right hand.
Couldn't pay attention, so I sat there with my nose running, picking at my new wart.
Realized that yesterday, the police officer that spoke to me about the accident the other night called me, and notified me that there is a warrant out for my arrest.
I shit my pants.
She told me she wasn't going to bring me in, but that I should take care of it asap.
I didn't go to my 3rd class (finance) because the guest lecturer is going to recap last week.
When i walked out of the bathroom, there was toilet paper stuck to both of my shoes.
Walked to study hall in the rain.
Sitting here wishing i could drop out of school.
Wondering how many of my friends would understand
...and how many would hate me if I did.
Contemplating quitting school after semester and ONLY after this semseter because I want to finish diving.
I'm thinking about going to the police station, taking care of business there, going to my apartment to call my parents, call my coach, call Jessica, and tell Chad and that I am done with school.
Because each year i've been here it feels like another year wasted.
A year of tuition wasted.
Year upon year of lost knowledge because I don't care.
I don't care about my GPA (but the NCAA does)
I don't care about my degree (but my parents do, and future employers do)
I don't care about my invaluable skill in diving. Is that taking it for granted?

How do I feel when somebody who gets strait A's walks up to me and expresses their DISGUST and OUTRAGE from getting a B+ in a class. How am I supposed to feel when I see a strait A student freak out because they think they failed a test, only to find out later that they got the highest grade in the class. What does that make me?
Being a good diver, when I don't feel like practicing, or do not feel well enough to practice, is it my teammates duty to make fun of me and tell me that I make them sick? Or should I tell them that I failed a class last semester, my FAVORITE class, because of one stupid journal every week? Sure they would like to be as successfull as me in diving, but think about how i feel when they finish a semester with a 3.5 .

I hate school. I don't want to be here and I don't think I ever have. What reason do I have to stay in school? I'm not going to pass every class this semester. And honestly, that doesn't bother me. I have a serious problem right now. Beyond a warrant for my arrest and the ton of debt i have to pay back to my parents and the insurance money from the accident i had in october and how i want to strangle

This is not just a bad day, i'm stuck on something. it's bad and i don't like it
i can't do anything

Friday, February 4

nine one one, not nine eleven

Around 1:45am this morning, i heard a very loud screeching scratching noise outside my window, which faces Stadium. I looked out my window and couldn't see anything, so i decided to walk outside to investigate. Once outside where i could see the road, i saw 2 guys getting out of their truck, walking towards a white ford cougar in the middle of the street with the front end busted in and the hood up on top of the windshield. Once the two guys get to the car, i yell down "Is everything alright down there?" and one of them says "Nah, there's a guy in here; he's still breathing but... yeah, CALL 9-1-1!" So instantly i'm in "wtf are you kidding me" mode...which lasts about 2 seconds before i switch to "JARMAN SAVES THE DAY" mode. I went inside, called 911 and went out to the scene to describe it to the operator. The man in the car was unconscious, still breathing, he had a small cut on his eyebrow, but he seemed ok. Looking down the street i saw some of his car strewn about. He had hit the gaurdrail on the OPPOSITE side of the street, then banged around and sliding to a stop in the middle of the street.

Ironically, i have recieved a new chainmail letter on the facebook from two people about drinking or drinking-and-driving.... I hate chain mail and it should be punishable by floggings or stonings. I hate reading them. I hate recieving them. and I hate the ones that you have to sign your name to.

Alchohol is fun.
Don't try to drive after you start drinking you idiot.

I can guaruntee you that the dude in the cougar is going to get fucked over when he wakes up tomorrow.