I am Jarman.

the single-turn jar-opener superhuman wonder freak

Saturday, July 30


Don't get confused by the title, there is nothing "moving" about actually moving. It's an experience that drains your soul and sucks the unharrassed life out of your body. I'm covered in filth, sweat, dirt, dust (which is very similar to dirt), and traces of urine and feces. It's hard to say exactly how long moving took, but i will tell you that i enjoyed an entire one minute and 53 seconds of the entire experience. We (Jamey(Jamey = roommate) and I)ended up throwing that old couch down the hill, brilliantly rolling it end over end towards the dumpster. Beyond that my fingers feel like staples, my feet feel and smell like rotten fruit, my back feels similar to a peice of frying bacon, and my head is so full it needs a confessional booth. Which is a fitting metaphor, seeing as how i'm in a church using their computer. Meatball hasn't picked up his stuff from my new (his old) apartment, so right now there is Lukas' stuff, my stuff, Jamey's stuff, meatball's stuff, and a handfull of Aaron's stuff that he couldn't take with him. Which brings me to my next subject...

Aaron got kicked off the team for a trivial mishap with the law. He knocked a motorcycle over when he was drunk and they charged him with the phelony property damage (if over $750). Anyway, he got the case reduced but that didn't matter to our douchebag swim coach who has wanted aaron off the team since he walked in the door. Aaron can't afford to stay here at mizzou without his full ride scholarship from the team, so he made plans within the past 3 weeks to leave for good. Aaron is one of my best friends and it hurts a hell of a lot to see him leave town so quickly.

I feel robbed of one of my best friends. We confided in each other through so much and would crack jokes faster than anyone else. When you spend every day of 3 years with a person, you tend to take on some of their habits. For example: tequila shots, using various curse words from canada, and basically, making fun of everyone for everything for no reason other than to make fun of them all day long. I can't say how much it hurts to have him leave like this. Mostly because that feeling is on the very edge of dropping into the pit of my stomach, causing much unwanted sadness. And right now, i'm too fucking tired to really recognize anything other than a couch/bed/matress/sleepingbag to lie down on.

I also think it'd be a lot easier for me to cope with an emotion like this with Jessica around. I have missed being with her all summer, and also, i feel like i've been just a horrible boyfriend all summer. I hate feeling like i've let her down, so shark (if you're reading this) expect for me to try and impress you when you get back from Florida.

That's all i really have for right now. I'm way too fucking tired to really say too much anyway.
X-ray for foot on monday
wade's birthday tonight
311 concert wednesday
school starts august 22nd

Friday, July 1

long past overdue late missed date failed to appear forgotten blog post

The 4th of July is this weekend, and I'm going to go to my grandma's to celebrate, which is what the family usually does. The past few summers i couldn't go because i'd been at a diving meet. But mom came by to pick me up today to take me to Hamilton but i wasn't ready, i hadn't packed, i wanted to go up there with dad on sunday instead of leave now because i'd rather be here than on a farm with bare feet. Mom thought my apartment was a complete pigsty and basically started crying because i was so depressed. (?) So she cleaned as she cried and told me to pack, even if I packed dirty clothes i could wash them at grandmas, and i could freeze ice cream in the garage at grandma's and i could crack sweet peas while sitting down at grandma's etc. etc. I hate for mom to think that I don't like visiting grandma, because i really do, but she always gets so upset about things like this.
I'm trying to stay at least a bit more optomistic (honey bear is half full). Though i've not been outside the apartment since hitting the side of the pool 2 days ago, it's really nice. It's been windy and cooler than the past week or so. I've been watching Fullmetal Alchemist on [adult swim] and it gets better with every episode. Samurai Champloo, Paranoia Agent, and S-CRY-ed are also very nice anime's to have around.

I've got two jobs, both of which are part-time. The stage crew job is pretty intermittent, the hours are few and far-between. The bookstore job won't start for another 2 weeks, during which i'll be standing the entire time.... not something my feet want to be doing at all at the moment. Oooh, i guess i should explain the whole hitting-the-side-of-the-pool incident.

On Wednesday of this week, i was double boucing the 3 meter at the beginning of practice and got off-balance in the worst way possible. I jumped off the board, and was headed for the pool deck, but SOMEHOW managed to land feet-first and fall into the water instead of having my body bounce/crumple/break on the concrete pool deck. When i landed, my feet cought the gutter, which has some apparently very razor-sharp edges on it. Anyway, when i hit it, my heels dug in and got cut up - there are two flaps of skin on my right foot that are healing up, and my left foot just has a bruise. I've been hobbling around the apartment on my tiptoes because i can't put weight on my heels yet. But anyway, i'll survive, i'll be fine, i'm ok.

Batman Begins is a really awesome movie. Go see it. Go see it now. Get off your ass and RUN YOUR ASS TO A THEATER and watch Batman Begins. Fantastic 4 should be... generic... in comparison to Batman Begins..... Batman Begins.

Also, God of War is an awesome game. I love it.

You know what else? Warcraft 3 the frozen throne is fun to play with friends.

In addition to that..... i have no life