I just checked Ebay and i saw an xbox 360, no games, one controller, selling for over $850.
Am I out of my mind for considering selling my prize for twice it's worth? Am I denying my gamer within by letting go of a premium machine still glowing from it's birth into the mainstream? Am I even allowed to sell it? (will i get a legal dildo-like subpoena up my ass if they find out i just pawned it off to some rich 14 year old from Kentucky?)
I am perfectly content with my current xbox. I've bought more games, and played more games than ever before in my LIFE. Is this 360 hype (which right now, is still 100% hype) worth the 800+ dollars i could have in my pocket instead of glowing furiously beneath a 20g harddrive and wireless controller next to my TV? IS IT WORTH IT?!?
I salute every form of gaming, and do not want to unjustly give away this blessing of a boxx0r without input from everyone i know. I could buy a new computer with 800 bucks. I could get a downpayment on a VEHICLE OMFGZ USED CARS 4 CHEEP. I could save that money and spend it wisely on games and other things that make me happy. I could KEEP the box and play it sparingly and have parties to show it off and then the hype would die down leaving me with a possible flop of a console.
Financially, i should be setting up an ebay account and profile. But emotionally, i just can't wait for this thing to come to my door and turn on and say "hello, pibb. play me." There is a lot of passion in the way i play games. It continues deeper to a philosophy that i haven't considered writing out yet, but the way I think about games and the market of games, and developers and manufacturers, etc. etc. blahblahblah I WANT TO KEEP IT! THE RING IS MINE, MY OWN!!! FUCK MOUNT DOOM, AND FUCK EBAY!!! (I say this now, before i even have the chance to curl up and pet it chanting "precious")
EVERYBODY I have told about this has become suddenly concerned for me. It's as if they think this 360 will suck up my will to exit my apartment, and then my will to eat, bathe, and socialize. These naysayers (who represent about half of the people i've told) don't consider me to be "lucky" at all. I'm one of the biggest video game nerds i know, and I would burst a blood vessel in my neck if someone else had one this contest instead of someone who genuinely enjoys "the experience". So I take this as a sort of crusade... *puts on an x-marked helmet*... and will valiantly and righteously. My holy quest will not take long, i hope to have made up my mind by the shipping date on Thursday (which is, coincidentally, my birthday). Impress your thoughts upon me immediately. I'm a very busy crusader, with many quests already in progress. (ie- be eligible for next semester)