It's the last and final day of February, which means one thing.
My mom's birthday was in February.
For such a shitty month, I have consistently forgotten a.) what day of Feb. her birthday is and b.) to tell her happy birthday. Now that's shitty. Or at least i feel shitty about it....shit.
Happy Birthday, mom. If you're reading this, i'm packing up one of my silver medals to give to you as a present. And if you're not reading this, then you'll still know that i'm not really sending a medal at all. If you read this in the next few months i will have seen you at least a few times for meets, so i'll most likely hug and belatedly celebrate the date that was your day of birth.
How infrequently do you have to attend your first class on Tues/Thurs to show up at the wrong time more than once? Today is the second time i've showed up at 9:00am to go to my Irish History class, which starts at 9:30am. I'm a doofus. Doofus i am.
So that means i'm on campus in Neff hall writing this post on a STEWPID G5 mac with a 10 yr old monitor and a cruddy, sticky keyed, translucent USB Mac keyboard. James, you suck for liking macs and trying to get me to like them too. I DON'T LIKE CHANGE!!! AAAAH WHERE'S MY RIGHT CLICK BUTTON! I CAN'T CUT AND PASTE OMFG KILLZ MEH!!!1111oneoneunodostresquatro55six
The "a" key on this keyboard especially sucks. Then again, maybe i just have a weak left pinky finger... I'm gunna go sit in my lecture hall and play Advance Wars 2, which I've almost FULLY completed/unlocked/gotten every char etc, which means that soon I can send both copies to James "apple4eva" Rogers so he can enjoy the turn-based strategy which i have so dubiously devoted my free time to all these years between and IN class.
Mom, if you're reading this, i didn't mean in class while class was going on.
And mom, if you're not reading this, then yeah i've played it in class a few times.
yes by few i mean many
and by many i mean in the PAST. I don't do that crud anymore because i'm a senior now.
Oh yeah, mom? I have another $400 gas bill. I'll let you know if scholarship check can't handle it.
and oh yeah, Teffy is visiting in April. Mizzou people, you want to meet my friend from the past. She's nice and fun and very polite.... oh crap, i just realized that if Teffy visits, she'll see my messy place and want to clean...
oh boy!
oy pepito
my sister rules. peace.