whats is wrongoing vith mi brane?
Waking up. Alarm. Rolling over, sleeping in.
1. Reset alarm, add time* to wake up later, *add liberally
2. Figure out a way to get the shit that you need done; DONE in the amount of time you are now giving yourself.
3. Head + pillow = *muffled happy noises*
[How hard is this?]
Not very hard, actually. I do this all the time because I usually pessimistically set my alarm way early thinking "i'll always snooze, and if I do snooze i'll snooze for at least an hour." So my alarm is set for like 8:31am with the mindset to be on campus at 11.
Gameplan ensues. I prepare myself to get up later, shower, skip the possible eggs that were in last night's gameplan, and just hustle to campus. It worked, I left the house a little late but was able to make it in time for role call... only one problem.
It wasn't my class.
But it's 11, who the hell else could be using this classroom?
(I'm so incredibly deft that I thought I was ready for my first day of class without dragging my stupid printed-out schedule with building names and classroom numbers. I'm not a freshman anymore! (woohoo!))
I panic. So bad that I can't even swallow the prickly lump in my throat that is immediately screaming "where's your goddamn schedule, Evan!?!!?!??" I'm surprised I didn't just stare that ambiguous class down while drool rolled out of my mouth saying DUHhhhhhhhhhh...
What could be worse than thinking you've got all your shit together to finding out that you are in the wrong place at the wrong time (probably the wrong day) with the wrong books with no eggs in ya and David Bowie in the cd player doesn't help me because this isn't any kind of daydream this is a disaster. What the hellllllllll was i thinking, i'm still that jerk idiot freshman that needs his diapers changed every 12 minutes. I check my wristwatch that i now wear because lack of diving finds me very able to keep items like this on my person as opposed to in a locker, backpack, etc. It's fancy and shiny and i like it. BUT IT SAYS IT'S 11 O'CLOCK ON THURSDAY! WHAT DO YOU KNOW THAT I DON'T, YOU METAL TICKING OPPRESSOR!? TELL ME! WHY DIDN'T YOU WARN ME, YOU SON OF A BITCH PHONE!!!!
*angry scramble to get phone out of pocket*
*flip open, flames subside*
::Note: Thursday 11am - StudyhallsignupHearnes::
I kind of want to smack my phone into my face...smack it so hard that the phone becomes imbedded in the bridge of my nose...
I will never get the hang of this.
and F U C K study hall