There's gold in them thar hills!
So basically, I'm begging myself to buy myself something. New phone, a Wii, a DS, or more of the same alcohol-heavy weekends which I am losing fondness for. I can really benefit from a new phone, and there is that Samsung D whatever that slides... and really makes me want to buy it. Because my screen is still broken. Sigh. A nintendo Wii would be fun for Smash Bros. Brawl among other things, just like a DS would be really cool to have instead of a GBA.
I just really want my money to be put into something fun instead of something stupid like having to pay people back for covering my tab at a bar (that I never go out to anyway) or just having to pay for alcohol period. Solution: stop drinking.
I sit here in the usual BCC writing my stupid Promotional Plan for the Nintendo Wii (how odd. no, not ironic. odd.) and trying to figure out if i want one or not. Then I realize that I hate doing shit like this. Sure it matters, but who actually enjoys it? BOO. I really enjoy posotive thinking and all that, but when it comes to predicting what other people (who are specifically, NOT myself) will buy or do, it makes me sick. I feel like i'm telling them what to do. And when they're faceless bodies with fists full of dollar bills, i really feel impersonal and shallow trying to sell them something they might honestly, NOT NEED. Because really, do i need a new phone, wii, ds, or alcohol to enjoy my life? NOPE! So how terrible would it be if i actually bought one? Not too terribly terrible, terribly fine perhaps. But i'm trying to write about why every kid in america needs one, nay, EVERY KID IN THE WORLD SHOULD JUST Wii IT.
I don't like it.