I am Jarman.

the single-turn jar-opener superhuman wonder freak

Thursday, December 20

Without Notice, Things Happened.

...and Jarman was there.

This month boasts the birthday of this blog. Also my own birthday. You'd think I'd be able to pair the two together with more accuracy... oh well.

Mandi Woods and I have recently made reunion in the instant message universe, and I couldn't be happier. Oh wait, yes I can! David White has joined the fray as well, and I can't tell you how much i've missed talking to that guy. While I'm at it, i'm going to mention Liz Mack and Omar Quimbaya in the handful of people I've talked to recently that have unintentionally brought light to something about me. But more on that later.

Liz Mack and I spoke online a few times over the summer and she mentioned how boring it was to be out of school. I agreed with her devastating assessment. Being out of school kind of sucks. Shit isn't paid for, you don't have any excuses for anything, and non-stop work is almost totally unrewarding. Even if you're not working, sitting on your ASS is far from what many people consider "gratifying". Then Liz excitedly told me she found a job somewhere in Montana - she had read about this organization somewhere and was really impressed with the work they were doing. After writing "basically my life story" in an email to the organization, the HEAD of the org. replied to her email and informed her that they wanted to include Liz as a part of their team. This guy/girl/idon'tremember had basically created a position for Liz to take within the organization if she wanted it. And she took it! Went out to Montana and has been working with these guys ever since. She recently talked to me from a hotel room in Minneapolis on a business trip for this Org. and was having a lot of fun experiencing new things. In the meantime, I felt insanely jealous that she was inspired to contact this place and want to go all the way across the country to take a job for them. Liz Mack will always be random to me, but she has also always been utterly and profoundly capable of doing anything she wants.

This leads into my name drop of the guy himself, David White. Talking to Liz brought up a lot of discussion of St. Matthew's youth group that we all used to go to, and reminded me of a lot of the people I met in high school... very few of which I feel like I could still be friends with. But I also remembered being really great friends with those few people, so it's not all that bad! But most importantly, I remember spending countless weekends with David White. After chatting with Liz I realized I haven't talked to Dave in what felt like a year... maybe more. And it made me really sad because he used to be my best friend. And THAT got me thinking about having a best friend at all, really... which i've always kind of considered to be silly. But you'll always have one friend who you trust the most and feel the closest to. That person has always been my little brother. We really do have a connection that nobody else comes very close to. So if David White hasn't been around the past few years, who has been? Lots of people, a few girlfriends, and the majority of G-Force, that's who. But besides Lee, my best friend has gotta be Robert. Yeah, wow, Robert and I are really good friends and have a really good relationship and are really good roommates... but then I thought about how he's getting married and kind of taking a bit of me with him... or something? I feel like the reasons i've felt so close to him is because he is recently graduated with no clue what to do just like I am... but now he's got a great part of his life starting with Susan.. and I don't have that. I dunno. Kind of a blow to the ego, but more of a really heartwarming thought. I'm really inspired to write more of what Dave and I talked about, but feel that our conversations need not be shared with anyone but each other. YEEUH

Omar is someone who i've kept in contact with over the years, which is rare. The numerous requests for games of both Star and War craft were enough reason so socialize for me as anything. I really just feel like Omar has always been there for me. In any way I needed him to be. And yes, that means sexually. Yes, I'm kidding. (no i'm not) Omar and I are also a lot alike, but probably differ on as many things as we agree to. We're like Lincoln and Douglas. Or Bert and Ernie but not roommates.

Lastly, but not least, Amanda Woods. She has been bothering me lately in how much I really really miss her a lot. She's a great person that I've never -not- gotten along with, and i've always loved hanging out with her. That's two ways of saying the same thing. THAT'S HOW STRONGLY I FEEL. She's was one of the few San Antonians with Missouri roots, which was a really cool kind of thing we had in common. And we cruised the neighborhood on rollerblades. And bikes. And on foot. She asked me if I still had this blog thing and I told her yes...and then realized that it was the 5th birthday of this thing. So she's to thank for all the words you see before you. An epiphany then hit me as I tried to remember what I was like when I started writing this blog. I can hardly remember what I was like back then... which is why i'm really glad I have this thing. It's kind of like a breakdown of my life that only I can really decipher fully. :D yes! I finally found the right metaphor!

I've been writing in this blog for 5 years. I started writing near the end of my first semester in college. Or, if you prefer, I started writing soon after beginning my adult life. I feel like I was the same person all throughout high school, and that after graduating, a new life was kind of forced upon me due to my parent's moving. With that in mind, this blog has been there to document most of the stuff i've done since that milestone. Since my real life began. That being said, this can be said: This blog is the only thing i've done in my life. The only things i've done for longer have been diving and orchestra (11 and 8 years, respectfully). But those were the kind of things that I've done forever, or that my parents had me do. This blog was something I started doing all of my own accord. I'm proud of it. I'm happy i've written in it. And I could care less what anybody else thinks, but thanks for reading anyway.

Time for cake:
It was 5 long years ago that a 19 year old high school graduate began writing in this blog, and here's to another 5 years of tragic remembrances, latent announcements, late-night dream journaling, bedtime final thoughts, and early morning inspirations. Cheers.

Tuesday, December 18


Things I enjoy...

Batman. The comics, the animated series, the tim burton and chris nolan movies.
Motorcycles. Ducati monster, the z1000, and other naked bikes.
Hanging with my family. I'm more comfortable with them.
Dark chocolate. I can eat a lot of it at once. And then continue eating it.
Green stuff. It attracts me. Green eyes, green clothes, green lining, green plants, green cars.
Videogames. The vision of what life is like for people that don't exist - and then allowing you to assume that role and be profoundly successful in the world he lives in as the hero
Saying "poop" is fun. It has always amused me.
Jumping. Over, into, out of, off of, onto.
Whiskey. I like the taste. It was designed to get me drunk, but it's also got flavor, which is why i like drinking it.
Hockey. Brutal, challenging sport that has always gripped me. Goals, saves, and one-timers are sweeeet.
Walking somewhere i've never been before. Exploring is great. I don't explore anymore ever. I took a wrong turn the other day and had fun. I should do that more often.
Flirting. Flirting successfully = they flirt back. It doesn't even have to lead to anything i just like talking
Keychains. They are meant to go on your keys... purely as decoration. This is one of the few things I enjoy decorating.

I thought that would cheer me up

I talked myself out of something the other night kinda...
Robert and i were a lot alike - both out of college, bored, capable, poor, and we have a lot of the same taste in stuff. It's been really great having him as a roommate, and i had no idea that i felt this way but...
since he's getting married now, i'm going to miss having him around. And i kind of feel like i'm the only one my age who isn't A. getting married B. is married C. has a career D. in school to get sweet degree

that's silly of course but that's literally how i feel.
there is something for me that i can't find
i don't know where to look
and nobody can help me

a hint would be nice
a clue, not advice
opinions matter
but choice is the word
give me a reason
to live in this world

Monday, December 10


What is it about not being able to sleep that makes you feel inspired?
Not exactly inspired but drives you, pushes you, makes you want to do something.
Is boredom a cause for insomnia? Is lack of passion a cause for insomnia? Is sucking down oxygen without any hope for tomorrow a cause for insomnia?
Do I even have insomnia? no. i don't. at all.

I never have enough input. I'm always waiting for more games or movies or cartoons or clips or jokes or stories or faces or sounds or songs or words or images. Why do I want more? I'm assaulted by them every day in ads and in everything associated with a monitor or screen (aka - 5/6 of anything I do). What DOOOOOOO i want to do at all? Ever?
Right now i'm satisfied with nothing. And it's completely depressing.

Maybe I should give alcoholism a try. Just test it out, see how it goes. Maybe something will occur to me and I can look back and instead of PRETENDING my life is really shitty, i'll actually have something legitimate to complain about!

This is disgusting.

I'm still not over her. It hurts to think about her and that's exactly what I did today. I don't know why but i just started remembering her and thinking about everything we did together. I honestly can't explain how it made me so happy to be with her but now it's definitely not a happy thing to think about. It's like a pain now, or a symptom that can't be diagnosed. EHHHHHH that was weak. i'm not gunna describe it or anything because i don't want to embarrass anyone

i just feel alone. lee is falling off the face of the planet, Rodort will be busy, chad's in Virginia, fucking EVERYBODY is in columbia or wandering around Texas and i'm a bum in st louis acting like some pathetic 17 year old bitching up a storm.

this really IS disgusting

Sunday, December 9

I hate this feeling

I'm in love.

More later.

Tuesday, December 4

Evan Campbell Watters

The only times in my life when I feel rewarded
are when I get a good laugh out of my friends.

No other success matters to me
as long as I still have fun.

I'm thinking that first line could go on my tombstone.

Monday, December 3

twelve by 2 or eight by three

I'm 24 now. Single. Still hate voting, but am for all intensive purposes a bleeding heart Liberal. Hate religion. Hate living in St Louis. Love music right now. Love movies. Love video games and working at GameStop. Living with Rodort and WeeL is great but our landlord sucks DICK and our neighbor sucks COCK. I don't want to go back to school but maybe i'd enjoy teaching. I haven't been back to Columbia but once in the past month and I still wish i'd never left. The only optimism I have about my future is about what dumb crap I could buy once I have enough money.

I don't want anything.
I don't have anything.
I don't love anything.

Not bad.