There was a time when i used to enjoy driving.
Look for it, you WILL find it on here. There are posts waxing on about my love for absolute speed and freedom and tranquility of moving across a landscape.
That's all gone. I hate driving.
I say hate, but really, i just don't love it anymore.
Driving is fine, but it's not fun anymore. It used to be a way to relax or get out or bond with friends or be alone. Now i drive all over st louis to coach at SLU, my job at the gym, my apartment on manchester, and my parent's place on geyer. This does not include the times i would drive to the mall through retarded a-hole-ville intersections filled with fake tanning whore moms on their way to return their victoria's secret perfume set that they decided they "don't really want."
Driving is a hassle. I hate the thought of driving anywhere because that means i have to get in my zero-pleasure-zone, the Ford Focus that i'm apparently buying from my parents. I'm not buying anything from my parents. That car sucks. It needs new brakes, gets shit for gas mileage, two AC vents don't work, the cd player turns off if you TOUCH IT too hard, and under no circumstances do I leave the car fully locked - the alarm goes off for no reason, at any time when the doors are all locked.
After entering the ZPZ, i pull out of either a tiny parking lot onto a busy street, or pull out of a busy grocery store parking lot onto one of two busy streets. The amount of road restrictions and directions and limitations and requirements make my initial jump into the fast lane not only not-fast, but at times, halted completely by a single eager greedy thoughtless ass wipe that thinks blocking an intersection to get to his destination 0.00% FASTER is reason enough to make me 5 minutes slower in me getting to MY destination. Easy to say that the road requires rules; but to watch your fellow drivers BREAK the rules you try to adhere to leaves you feeling like an idiot. What's the damn point of rules if you're the only one obeying them?
The beauty of the open road is not your neighbor. It's your free grasp of the world without a person tailing you. It's a horizon without an advertisement-bloated bus in front of it. It's a view of the world as YOU see it, it's personal, it's your world when you're moving through it, not the SUV with the unnecessarily powerful headlights' world. This is a world i'm forced to trudge through and enjoy? To blink, wipe, turn, park, brake, accelerate, and drive through PEACEFULLY? I do not feel peace.
Maybe that's the most common emotion i feel in my average day: driving unrest. Maybe that's the reason i feel trapped here. Maybe that's why i dont' feel at home here. Maybe that's why i feel like i have to get the hell out of here.
maybe THIS is enough